About 15 or so years ago I was at a very low emotional point when - TopicsExpress


About 15 or so years ago I was at a very low emotional point when my job sent me on a business trip to the middle of nowhere, alone, with no transportation and nothing to do in the long hours outside a management training class. At the time I utterly hated my life. I hadnt accepted my orientation. I had a terrible job at an awful company and didnt see any way to escape. With so much idle time, completely alone, I did nothing but wallow in depression. At some point in the class our trainer shared parts of The 4 Agreements, a sort of self-help/philosophy book. Its heavy on corny hippie shit but the core (below) helped me though that terrible time and I think of it often. A friend shared the basics on FB just now and it was helpful to revisit. Its good to remember that when people are unkind or hateful its usually because their view of the world is colored by their own unhappiness or pain. When someone hates you because youre gay, black, fat, disabled, female, foreign, whatever... youre just an outlet for their own self-loathing. RuPaul famously said what other people think of me is none of my business and he was (as usual) correct. We all filter the world through our perceptions. If we look for the bad we easily find it. If we work to set aside negative assumptions and look for the good, we can usually find that too. Its largely our own choice what kind of world we exist in.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 09:09:39 +0000

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