About 26 years ago, a Pastor was standing in line at a - TopicsExpress


About 26 years ago, a Pastor was standing in line at a convenience store in New Orleans and noticed the family in front of him did not have enough money to pay for the few items they were buying. The pastor tapped the man on the shoulder andtold him to not turn around, but to please take the money he was offering him. The man took the money, and never turned around to look at the kind stranger helping him. Nine years had passed since that incident in the convenient store, and the pastor was invited as a guest speaker in New Orleans. He spoke, and after the service he was standing by the door greeting people and after most everyone had left, a gentleman walked up to him. He told the pastor an amazing story about how he had come to know the Lord. Several years ago he, his wife and their child were destitute. They had lost everything, had no jobs, no money and were living in their car. They were not Christians at the time and had decided to make a suicide pact, including the child. They drove to a cliff and quietly discussed their fate. They decided that they should at least give their child some food before they killed themselves and drove away to buy him some milk and food. They were standing in line atthe store, and realized they did not have enough money to pay for the few little itemsthey wanted to give their child for his last meal. Then, he said a man behind him spoke and asked him to please take the money from his hand and to not look at him. The man also told him and his family that "Jesus loves you." The man said that they left the store, drove back to thecliff and wept for 4 hours. They knew that they could not go through with what they had planned to do, so they drove away. They drove by a church with a sign that said "Jesus loves you", and went to the church the next Sunday. The man and woman both got saved that day in Church. The man then told the Pastorthat the minute he stood up in the pulpit and started speaking that he knew immediately that the Pastor was that kind stranger from 9 years ago. He said he would never forget that accent. The Pastor is from South Africa, so he has a very distinct accent. He continued on to tell the Pastor that because of his one random kind act he saved three lives that day, and because he had told them that Jesus loves them, it had drawn them in to a church where they accepted Christ!!!! Is this an awesome story or what??? Giving can be life altering. Not just for the receiver, but for the giver also.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 08:34:09 +0000

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