About 4 weeks ago, we had a microburst hit with strong snow winds. - TopicsExpress


About 4 weeks ago, we had a microburst hit with strong snow winds. It ripped off more than half of our rear gutter and twisted it up a good amount, thrashing about in the wind. Along with this, we lost a good amount of shingles too. Usually when things like this happen, my husband is prompt to get outside the next day to make repairs, cause thats what he does-he takes care of things, either for us or for others in need. But because of his injury, (and subsequent surgery) he was unable to take care of it. We tied it to a few porch chairs to keep it from tearing siding down-and waited until Doug could eventually get to it-well, praise God-we had a visit from one of our Pastors who happened to notice it (he didnt say a word...) and next thing you know, our very busy handyman son was here and carefully took the gutter down-but it would require 2 ppl to put it back up...same day, we had another visitor, this time Mr Steve Daniels from our church, stop by to check our our gutter/roof problem. Today, both Steve Daniels and another church friend, Roger Hubbard, came by, put the gutter back up, AND repaired the roof by replacing the missing shingles with-get this: the exact shingle we have on our roof they just happened to have at home. WOW GOD!!! Cant tell you enough how much it meant to put my husbands mind at ease to have this big problem solved!!! Cant tell you enough how blessed we are to have such a loving, caring church family!!! Thank You Father God, and thank you Roger Hubbard, Steve Daniels, and Pastor William Deagle! We love you guys!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 03:24:10 +0000

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