About Foleys execution video If you watch that video, from the - TopicsExpress


About Foleys execution video If you watch that video, from the beginning there are special effects which dont seem like the highest priority of a terrorist organization. Next thing, the video is in HD, which again, is something unusual for a terrorist execution recording. Also, ISIS/Al Nusra NEVER resorts to censorship in any of their beheading videos which they post on social media or video-sharing websites. I can say this because I believe Ive seen a lot of these movies, if not all of them over the past few years. Now why would they do it now with this Foley guy? Why would a radical group known for their brutality who have shown thousands of uncensored beheading videos before suddenly start caring for their viewers emotional health? Another strange thing about that video is the butter knife his captor uses. It could no more sever a mans head than my little finger could punch a hole in the Hoover Dam. It is far too small to have produced the cleanly-guillotined appearance of head and body at the end of the film. The actual beheading is not shown; the screen fades to black then they show a gruesome image of Foleys decapitated body. Thats it... it was an image, not a video. Why didnt they record the actual beheading, like any other ISIS video? Is it perhaps because the images are easier to fake then film? The universally advertised ‘gruesome gore’ has been hugely overdone by the media. There is no blood at all in the movie action… and that’s precisely when the director cuts, so I don’t believe the man holding the knife actually cuts something. We can see (very briefly) the supposed terrorist sawing away at Foley’s neck - but zero blood. That is medically impossible, because when you sever the left and right common carotid arteries, incredible amounts of blood start flowing, sometimes even spraying because of the high pumping pressure in these arteries. If James Foley has been beheaded, then he certainly was not killed at the spot and with that implement. Again, there simply isn’t enough blood. Watching the video you will notice another strange thing. Mr. Foley does not display any fear consonant with imminent death. I would guess that most websites previously running the video have now removed it by now... YouTube certainly has. This coupled with the heavy stuff about Terrorism Act offences and overdone gore suggests that a coordinated media campaign was carried out by the authorities to minimize access to the video. The reason, probably, was that a closer examination would lead most people to the same conclusion as mine: that it is certainly NOT an authentic execution recording. Now about the reactions to this video... the hypocrisy of the West reaches its highest peaks: British police warned that even watching or sharing the video of Foleys execution could be a terrorist offence. Twitter has also been banning accounts for sharing the video. Why only this video and not the beheading videos of hundreds of Syrians and Iraqis that where being tweeted and shared all over the social media, even on terrorist groups support pages? Maybe because they see Westerners as human beings, whilst Iraqis and Syrians are sheep... and their slaughter seems to be entertaining since the video of a Syrian soldiers beheading filmed by TIME magazine won an award (content.time/time/video/player/0,32068,2667755150001_0,00.html). The world is suddenly so shocked and outraged by James Foleys death, but they didnt even blink twice when innocent Syrian civilians were being beheaded by U.S. backed rebels. Im sorry for Foleys family and I express my condolences if he is indeed dead, but this is just a small slice of what the Syrian and Iraqi people have been feeling for the last few years thanks to U.S. foreign policy of supporting such terrorist groups in the struggle to keep their world hegemony intact. To me this is just another propaganda stunt depending on a strong and emotional public reaction to Foley’s widely disseminated beheading to coalesce support for military strikes against Syria on anti-terror grounds. It is nothing more than convenient window dressing to cover up a regime change operation against President Assads government and fulfill the US’ original objective in Syria.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 09:50:48 +0000

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