About #Islam, Logic, statistics & #CharlieHebdo. There have been - TopicsExpress


About #Islam, Logic, statistics & #CharlieHebdo. There have been many who while condemning the killing of the #CharlieHebdo cartoonists and journalists, said that Charlie Hebdo was Islamophobic and even some, as the #AlJaezeraDoha-correspondent Mohamed Vall Salem that if you insult 1,5 billion Muslims, one or two of them will kill you... This reminds me how in India Leftist intellectuals keep putting on the same foot, #Islamic terrorism and #Hindu fundamentalism. In those cases, a good journalist - and I would say any sane human being - looks at statistics: OK, the #CharlieHebdo cartoonists may have done something that offends #Muslims, that is depict the Prophet, but did they kill anybody? Did they snuff out violently and coldly a human life as the Kouachi brothers did? From a Dharmic point of view, or even a Christian one, which act do you think carries the blackest karma: the drawing of a cartoon or the taking of human lives? The same is true about Islamic terrorism in India and Hindu so-called fundamentalism: if you look at the number of lives Islamic terrorism has taken since the Kahlifat, you arrive at figures in the tens of thousands. If you go back to the first Arab invasions of India, historians have come with figures of 20 million Hindus being killed. How many Muslims have the Hindus killed? Just look at the recent history of #Kashmir: the Hindu Pandits did not kill anybody, but after Benazir Bhuttos Azad Kashmir cry, their leaders were assassinated, their women raped, the men strangled with wires and when the mosques of the Valley started broadcasting the Convert of die cry, the entire Hindu community of the Valley of #Kashmir fled without FIRING A SINGLE SHOT in self defense and 40..000 of them became refugees in their own country, a first in the world. Today every every intellectual, every Muslim, yes Mr @amirkhan,every Bollywood film maker, as in #PK is making martyrs of the Muslims of the Valley of Kashmir. But who fired the first shot in the name of #Islam, who killed, who started a war of Independence against #India? What we saw during the rise of Nazism is reproduced today: nobody can see the threat, everybody wants peace at any cost, people are scared of war and violence & those who speak about a real threat, about an asuric force that wants to take over the world, are lambasted and crucified. Do you think all Germans were bad at that time? Not at all: maybe 10% of Germans were hardcore Nazis and only one or two percent actually performed crimes against humanity. There were many good Germans, as there today so many good Muslims, who actually have qualities that the West lacks - togetherness, faith, morals, dedication. But the SILENCE of the German population during Hitlers reign is what allowed him to kill 40 million human beings. Let us look at statistics girls and guys, for the human mind is incapable of distinguishing between the Good for the Bad
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 04:56:33 +0000

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