About Israel Why does Israel claim that the nation is a nation - TopicsExpress


About Israel Why does Israel claim that the nation is a nation of choice and always accompanied by God? If we read the Bible, we would know that in carrying out the plan of salvation of man, did God do it gradually. Starting from Adam and Eve, and with their descendants, Noah, and up to the Father Abraham to whom God the Father has promised to make his descendants as the stars in the sky numbered (cf.. Gen. 15: 5) and by his descendants then all nations would be blessed (cf. . Gen. 22:18). This promise was fulfilled God, and God the Father Abraham memberikati descendants of Isaac, Jacob, called Israel with offspring that make up the twelve tribes of Israel. And this continued until to the time of Moses, and then to New Testament times. God does accompany the nation of Israel as Gods chosen people; we know how God led the Israelites out of Egyptian occupation, leading them from the pursuing army of Pharaoh crossed the Red Sea split, feed them for 40 years in the wilderness with manna; and deliver them into the Promised Land is the land of Canaan. Inclusion of God even this continuing relationship with Israel, even though Israel repeatedly unfaithful to him. If there are times when God allowed Israel to experience the fall under other nations, is to give lessons to the children of Israel; so they turn to God. The ups and downs of his state of the nation of Israel it fills almost the whole of the Old Testament, since the days of Moses, judges and royal era in Israel (Saul, David, Solomon, etc.), the split between the kingdoms of Judah and Israel, exile to Babylon, return to Jerusalem, the remnant of Israel in the days of Judas Maccabeus, and then to the New Testament era. So it is true to say that God is with Israel in a special way (cf.. Deut 4: 7; 2 Sam7: 23). If we look at this reality, there are several important points that we know: 1. Gods plan of salvation for mankind done gradually in history. In this case we see the need for the preparation of mankind (in OT) to receive Christ (in the NT). 2. The plan is carried out according to the principles of mediation / mediation. To save mankind, he did it by choosing the first of a nation (ie, Israel), so that through this nation, the whole nation was blessed. In His incarnation became a man, Jesus went born as an Israeli nationality. So, has been Gods plan for Israel determine mediator so that the whole world to know Christ. So Israel as the chosen people (in OT) is a pre-figuration of the Church / Gods new chosen people (in the NT). Similarly today, the world is to know Christ through His Church founded. Please read more about the principles of this church, in this questioning, please click. 3. That because of the faithfulness of God, then He will not abandon His chosen people, both Israelis and His Church. God says in Romans 11: 2, God has not rejected His people elected him. So with his own way God will work to save the Israelites to open the eyes of their hearts that He indeed has sent his Son Christ as Saviour. Although some of Israel has rejected Christ, does not mean that God crossed them all in Gods plan of salvation. God still gives equal opportunities to them to repent. For God are irrevocable gifts and calling him (Rom 11:29).
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 10:59:00 +0000

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