About Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe: For the last 30 years, Sister - TopicsExpress


About Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe: For the last 30 years, Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe and the other Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus based in Juba, South Sudan, have answered the call to serve the least among them from the heart of a bloody and violent civil war that decimated northern Uganda and South Sudan. They openly defied Joseph Kony and the rebel soldiers and commanders of the Lord’s Resistance Army in their 20-year reign of terror. Since 2002, they have helped more than 2,000 girls who had been previously abducted by the LRA or abandoned by their families. About Pros for Africa / Sisters United: Founded by Reggie Whitten and Rachelle Newman-Whitten “EMPOWERING WOMEN ONE STITCH AT A TIME” The scars are still there but together we are stitching a future of hope and dignity. Products distributed by Sisters United include pop tab handbags, all handmade by the young woman of one of the three schools in Africa; one in Gulu, Uganda; Atiak, Uganda and a third school in the process of being built in Torit, South Sudan. These schools are operated and led by Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe, a 2007 CNN Heroes Award Winner. The young women who make Sisters United products are hand picked and supervised by Sister Rosemary. Sisters United mission is to provide these young women with a market for their hard work. Sisters United provides the materials so that these young women can make pop tab handbags, and a means to market their merchandise and earn a hand up, not a hand out. Sister Rosemary personally inspects each product for quality control and to insure that these young women have the ability to earn a living that gives them respect and dignity. SEWING HOPE (Documentary of Sister Rosemary Nyirumbes life (Book written by Reggie Whitten - Founder of PROS FOR AFRICA) is being released in November. The documentary film -- Narrated by academy award winner - Forest Whitaker will debut on November 16th at the Napa Valley Film Festival. Sister Rosemary is also being honored at the Festival for her undying work to save the children in Uganda, Atiak and now The Sudan. ************************************* SEWING HOPE (Documentary of Sister Rosemarys life) DIRECTOR / PLAYWRIGHT: Derek Watson PRODUCER: Rachelle Newman-Whitten (Founder of Sisters United - sistersunited/) NARRATED BY: Forest Whitaker Reggie Whitten / Founder of PROS FOR AFRICA prosforafrica/ Trailer to this incredible documentary can be found at the link below: vimeo/64819815 ************************************** Sister Rosemary stands as a beacon of hope in the midst of horrific tragedy, Derek Watson / Sewing Hopes film director said. Her life represents the essence of love and courage in the face of evil. More info about Napa Valley Film Festival and Sister Rosemary at below link: STRENGTH OF 1 WOMAN LIFTS NATION IN NAPA VALLEY FESTIVAL HEADLINER napavalley.patch/groups/goodnews/p/strength-of-1-woman-lifts-nation-in-nv-film-fest-headliner *************************************** Support Sister Rosemary and these three schools in Africa by purchasing a purse hand-made by the students at the schools at: Sisters United sistersunited
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 15:23:29 +0000

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