About a month and a half ago I made the decision to get back in - TopicsExpress


About a month and a half ago I made the decision to get back in the saddle and do what I teach. You see for almost all of last year I focused on teaching entrepreneurs how to build their businesses online using Facebook. I did enjoy it and still teach but what I realized is I missed being a marketer myself. Dont get me wrong, I was still marketing but not like I committed to do a month and a half ago. So what does the day in the life of a Facebook marketer look like that has gotten the image results so far in just a month in a half? I share this with you so you KNOW what it REALLY takes to get results. Day 1 I create an ad promoting a FREE video that reveals....xyz. I get very detailed in the targeting and before I am done I have created about 18 ads. All targeting one audience, but with different images and placed in different areas on Facebook. Day 2 Check the ads performance. Is it getting me leads? Is it making me sales? Do I need to tweak my email follow up series if I am not getting sales. Do I need to target a different audience because I am not getting leads? Should I change the images up because one over the other is not getting clicks. Are my click through rates good? Am I paying too much for those clicks or conversions? Day 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,.........you get the picture EVERYDAY! Its an obsession for me at this point. Yes I am obsessed each and everyday with my ads. I am always in my ad manager. Perfecting.....even when I perfect it, it only lasts a few days where then I am changing something up again and again. Rinse and repeat.... thats my life as a Facebook marketer. Get what I am saying here?
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 14:38:31 +0000

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