About eight years ago I put together a DVD of some pictures and - TopicsExpress


About eight years ago I put together a DVD of some pictures and videos Id made with Misha and Bruiser for friends and relatives. Last night, I uploaded them to YouTube and they are now available for alll to see. Ms Misha: from her first days home to her super-start-athletic peak, with her first tricks (videoed right after shed learned them) up to a photo of her catching a Frisbee nearly five feet in the air. youtu.be/Ezx9cJu5nqk Mishas Pups: she gave us a little of pups (daddy was a Springer Spaniel from a local trailer house, so we called the pups Jerry Springer Spaniels). You can spot Bruiser by the white spot on the right side of his hind end. He was named at birth because he was twice as big as the first pup that hed followed out. Youll see in the end that even Misha picked him as a favorite and spent hours playing with him apart from the others. youtu.be/PmWcmgiHzkE Misha and her Friends: Funny, but except for Bruiser in these photos, Misha outlived all of her puppyhood friends. On Monday shell be reunited with them all. youtu.be/_WCt6EeSliY WWF Special: Misha the Wonder Dog vs Trash Talkin Ahzoova. Ok, I was shooting for high production value with this one, but the damn program crashed and support could only tell me that they were aware of the problem, so you are seeing the first run-through. Like most parents, I keep forgetting the names of my babies and the script hadnt yet been finalized....but here it is. (It took 6 months before the program I had used came out with an update fixing the original problem.) youtu.be/b7YAgCuj1Hs
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 18:13:41 +0000

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