About our health It saddens me all the time to hear the death - TopicsExpress


About our health It saddens me all the time to hear the death of young and energetic people with their whole world ahead of them. In a community like ours the frequency baffles me a lot. I am sure most of us will know what I intend to write about but it might worth it in the end to share some tips on why we need to manage our health. There is a fundamental weakness in health care system in Nigeria; a system without records or autopsy for the dead. My dad died 9 years ago or so and we cannot still figure out what killed him, neither do I know what killed my uncles, maternal and paternal grandparents nor my mother’s health record. That is a fundamental flaw in our health care system. This is because apart from adventurous death or death due to adventurous or audacious acts, it is highly likely that what killed these people will kill me. Is a medical fact! The earlier I know what killed them the better to prevent the diseases and live longer. There are things that run in the family and there is no family that totally immune from it except if they are economical with truth with themselves. Few years ago I wanted to have diabetes test and the only way I can have the test without any symptom is to convince the GP (doctor) that it runs in our family. Since my family has no medical record in the UK is was not difficult to sell .. So some blood was taken and the test was carried out. Few days later I was called to see the GP and he said .. Ade, everything is ok now but if it runs in your family you will definitely have it at a point and gave some advises. That exactly my point, if it runs in your family you will definitely have it. You need to determine what runs in your family and live a lifestyle that will prolong your life. If obesity runs in your family for instance, you must watch what you eat and exercise. That does not mean you will still not be mini obese because is in the gene but it will improve your quality of life and prolong it as well. Gene is the basic physical unit of heredity that leads to the expression of hereditary character and determines a particular characteristic in an organism. “There are close to 4000 known hereditary, or genetic, diseases that afflict humans. Some of these diseases are common, while others are quite rare and appear in what seem like isolated cases within a particular family.” I will not like to go too deep into the science of this: e.g. mutation of gene which leads to diseases like Cystic Fibrosis, sickle cell anaemia, Tay-Sachs disease, Downs Syndrome etc. Although the Yorubas may not know the scientific manipulation of gene but they believe in and apply it; most often in determining a partner in marriage. Forget about this crazy phrase in Nigeria “not my portion” we all have our portion. The way you manage that portion determines how long you live. Japanese are living upto 100+ and the life expectancy in Europe is high as well. The only difference with us (Nigerians) is that they know, accept and manage their ‘portion’ with the help of government through good health care system. Unfortunately, in Kwara State we have lack of everything from good governance to affordable and good health care system and financial support to the vulnerable. That is why I will passionately enjoy you to influence our parents and family members and to pass across the new message of hope in the horizon for Kwara State. We need to end dominance by the Sarakis, safeguard the repeat of bad governance and never allow this to happen again in the history of our state. The present structure of APC is not the answer in Kwara state ... is the continuation of old and ineffective administration. We need to start a system where we can have equal opportunity – that YOU .. yes, YOU ... can be whatever you dream of. We all need to be part of that struggle to liberate our state in one way or the other. Ira ko ni ba je oo! Have a pleasant weekend!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 09:22:57 +0000

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