About rejection and a boy. He had come to live with us because he - TopicsExpress


About rejection and a boy. He had come to live with us because he needed a safe place. That night he was supposed to be home at a certain time. Hours had passed beyond that curfew, and worry had led us to wait in the cool night air. The next day I walked into the living room and he sat on the carpet. Do I still get to stay here? he asked. Surely, he knew we wouldnt reject him. Except he didnt know. Nothing in his former experiences led him to that belief. He expected punishment, perhaps not physical, but at the minimum he thought he was no longer welcome. Years have passed since then. Today that beautiful young man is a dad. A loving husband. A strong man of faith. Maybe you failed and you failed BIG. In this crossroad moment, you have a choice. You can let shame keep you stuck. Or, you can lean into Jesus’ love for you. Maybe you have amends to make. With His help, make them. Maybe getting up seems hard because condemnation weighs so heavy. Release that burden. One day you’ll look back at this pivotal moment and realize getting up led you right back into the arms of Jesus. Maybe your former experiences have led you to believe failure equals rejection. That when you fall, youve blown it and there’s no way back. Except that’s not truth. God will finish the work He began in you (Philippians 1:6). His response to your repentant heart is forgiveness (1 John 1:9). Your Heavenly Father transforms you as you accept that gift (2 Peter 1:3). The young man who once lived with us grew through his mistakes. That incident wasnt the first or the greatest challenge we walked through together, but every time he leaned into love rather than running away from it, he stood stronger. Until one day he knew who he was. :) He sees beyond our mistakes. :) (Suzie Eller. Modified) And Peter left the courtyard, weeping bitterly. Luke 22:62
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 00:55:05 +0000

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