About the Author: I’m a New Zealander and an ardent one at that - TopicsExpress


About the Author: I’m a New Zealander and an ardent one at that being from ‘Ngati Porou’ on the East Coast of the North Island. At an early age we as a family found our local Maori a proud fun loving people who gave many hours of education and encouragement in the way of Maoridom. This I’ve personally cherished as taught through ‘Mary Grey’ our adorable Maori nanny from ‘Tokomaru Bay’ an iwi (tribe) known for its knowledge on healing properties. The area mentioned above is situated near the modern city of Gisborne on the North Island of New Zealand. (Ngati - descendents of). Dedication: To all the New Zealand born, we are one nation of diverse cultures, simply known as ‘Kiwis’ a proud multicultural island nation in the far reaches of the Southern Pacific. Introduction: Throughout the years we have visited museums around the Pacific and found evidence that left us wondering about the identity of our earlier cultures. Some research material gave detailed descriptions of extraordinary discoveries, some findings were pretentious, but are included here so that readers can evaluate it and draw their own conclusions. Part of the material collected seems incredible, perhaps offensive; it’s the truth as we have found it and this book is our heartfelt effort to share it with you in the best way possible. Moreover, the theories and controversies surrounding Polynesia still grow daily. We are still researching, delving into whatever, whenever, in other words it’s ongoing… In each country visited we have talked to a learned few on the above subject, as my wife Sylvia and I are interested in the anthropology of the Pacific people, and what better way than using our sailboat as a vehicle to do this whilst sailing around these colourful islands? What is anthropology? Basically, it’s a study of mankind, a group of sciences all rolled into one mostly covering the following subjects; field work in all that it contains, cultural development, doctrines, origin, social, languages, archaeology, kinship and mythology to just name a few. It usually involves a combination of many people, universities, especially government funding, research that can’t be rushed; it takes time and a huge amount of capital. Our own research has been difficult, as we are not supported by outside means being totally independent. Now I have a partner, my wife finds the research interesting and somewhat challenging despite the hardships involved. Obviously some of the verbal material passed on to me over the past sixty years is backed up from the extracts enclosed, as the writer has allowed enough snippets to get the reader’s attention on specific subjects without harming cultures. Furthermore, you can follow up our research material by contacting your local archives or using the Amazon website. Amazonbooks Prologue; The manuscript below is a compilation of documents, newspaper articles of so-called expert opinion about pre-Maori and Maori occupation of New Zealand. Many a passive Maori has come forward questioning their history that has been presented to them by influential people, academics, both Maori and Pakeha (European) as many believe they are descendants of a very ancient civilization that once inhabited New Zealand long before the arrival of Maori; some iwi (tribe) called them the ‘forest that whisperers,’ whilst others made out that they were just a myth or a legend and were not real people at all but ghosts, they were called by Maori the Waitaha, a forest dwelling people. Also enclosed are the findings and tales that have been handed down amongst iwi about fair skinned people and the deliberate determined effort by some to squash the legitimacy of these ancient tribes. Some iwi tribes have declared it as tapu, forbidden, to talk about them, whilst other Maori as settlers tell of another culture called the Patu-pai-arehe, recorded from their own voyages, believing that there was more than one race living in New Zealand long before the coming of Maori. A conspiracy? The book by Michael King on early New Zealand history, used as gospel amongst academics, politicians and influential people, is now under the spotlight as there are too many anomalies discovered by other historians from archaeological finds. It is this anomaly that has created a conspiracy theory that was reinforced when police were alleged to have stated that; ‘the death of Michael King and his wife in a car wreck was at the time suspicious.’ The massive cover up: Due to the Waitangi Tribunal many pre-Maori artifacts found by Europeans or Maori in Northland have been handed over to local iwi called the Te Roroa Hapu, ‘Waipoua Advisory Committee Authority’ as pre-Maori bones and other archaeological finds as evidence are removed from the site then either kept, buried or deliberately destroyed. Why? It’s our heritage: Hopefully, at some stage in the future many of our passive Maori with alleged Patu-pai-arehe and Waitaha blood will have the opportunity to make sure that these items will be protected so they too can actually touch, look, ponder, and marvel at such things that their ancestors had once used. National Security: The driving force behind this essay is in support of those underprivileged few who believe they have the DNA of the ancient Maru-iwi, Waitaha or the Patu-paiarehe, and their need to uncover the reason for the fourteen pages of alleged carbon dating of archeological evidence which has been restricted from public view until 2063 on the grounds of National Security. Why? A renewed beginning: The following information will be of a brief nature only as some of it will surprise you and perhaps enlighten especially our native brothers and sisters, but you have to follow through by checking out the facts yourself. The reader will need pen and paper to make notes as I’ve included websites to give access to material one usually cannot find published elsewhere; also details of books numbered accordingly at the end of these chapters. Please note; I’ve deliberately left out page numbers, as the reader regardless of educational merit will never be able to grasp the real significant meaning to Maoridom by just reading a few lines, especially on a specific subject. Have a good read then do your research; whatever your findings, you will certainly find it awe-inspiring. createspace/3832110 Before Maori - NZs First Inhabitants by Ross M Bodle createspace This book explores a variety of evidence pointing to a long-term pre-Maori inhabitation of New Zealand. It covers the movement of people from Africa, across Asia and down through the Pacific, tracing their route by demonstrating striking similarities of language and culture. The... 75 people reached Boost
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 21:40:31 +0000

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