About the Organization 1983, Birth in Punjab, India: It was the - TopicsExpress


About the Organization 1983, Birth in Punjab, India: It was the darkest period in the history of Punjab. The land of five rivers, the land of courageous and vibrant Punjab is, the prosperous and eventful state, was thrown into a blazing fire of violence, terrorism and gruesome homicide by fanatics, religious zealots, and terrorists, supported clandestinely by enemies of humanity from across the border (of India). Fanaticism, terrorism, and extremism reigned supreme. The naked dance of bestiality could be witnessed all over the state. It was turned into a virtual hell; turmoil of the worst texture could be seen all around. In such a state of peril, every bigwig ran for life. Even the religious organizations closed their centers and fled away to safer havens. The flames of inferno were so frightening that none really dared to take lead to prove equal to the task. It was against this backdrop that His Holiness Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji appeared on the scene in Punjab with the divine weapon of Divine Knowledge (Brahm Gyan). The traumatized people of Punjab saw a ray of hope when they curiously witnessed the courage of a Man working single-handedly. His selfless mission caught the attention of many and they came forward to join His mission. With innumerable aspirants throwing themselves into the mission, His Holiness decided to give it a formal name – Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (Divine Light Awakening Mission). He formally made Nur Mahal (a village in Punjab, India) as His base to carry out the mission of peace in the troubled state of Punjab. He knew that the parched land of Punjab needed wafts of coolness and whiffs of fragrance, not of mundane texture, but the one ordained by Divinity. Its misguided youth, who had taken to arms, needed divine medicine. So with His divine weapon of Spiritual Knowledge, he inspired all to the pious way of life. Oral doses of spiritual disquisitions were supplemented with practical nectar of Divine Knowledge. The youth of Punjab, having gone the way of the militants, soon began to realize the gains of the pious way of life driven by Divinity. Self-reformation, restoring normalcy in the state and replacing communal hatred with love and mutual trust became the cornerstone of their thinking pattern. The increased number of youth forsaking militant ways was accompanied by threats to His Holiness. The youth on witnessing the calmness and equilibrium on the Master’s face amidst threats to His life became convinced more than ever that His is a divine mission and their mentor and guru is no ordinary saint but an incarnate celestial being in the guise of human embodiment. The might of Divine Knowledge exposed the evil intention of the militants and still greater the divisionary designs of powers sitting across the border. With the youth laying down arms, drinking holy nectar of Divine Knowledge, embracing the pious way of life, carrying out constructive work, the long tradition of communal harmony was restored and peace made Punjab its home again. The peaceful ambience of Punjab today is apparent evidence of triumph of righteousness over evil, using the supreme science of spirituality as a science of experience. D.J.J.S. went Global: After restoring normalcy in the state of Punjab, Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan and its mission went global. The Master declared “world peace” as the chief aim and objective of DJJS, which is the mission in spirit and an organization in formal sense. New Delhi, India, was formally declared to be its international headquarters, and the organization was formally registered as a socio-spiritual society/non-governmental organization in 1991 under the Societies Registration Act. Henceforth, the mission started disseminating Brahm Gyan (Divine Knowledge), in an organized manner. Realizing the eternity of knowledge transmitted and imparted by the Master, people from all walks of life, castes, creeds, and religions came forward to get blessed and initiated by Him. Volunteers, realizing and appreciating the nobility of the mission, started pouring in and offered their body and soul to work for the mission selflessly. Thus the number of initiates and preachers started enlarging at a swift momentum. As a consequence, it became imperative to open ashrams/spiritual centres in different parts of the country and abroad to enhance access to Divine Knowledge. Today, the mission is operating through its hundreds of branches all over the globe. The message of Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (Divine Light Awakening Mission) has gained worldwide acceptance because we speak simple & straight and make all realize the True Self (Atman) – the source of eternal peace & bliss. The devotees of His Holiness Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji are the marching spiritual soldiers to win the world with Love and Sacrifice, as we believe and know “the entire Globe is a Family”. JAI SHREE RAM
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 03:56:36 +0000

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