About this time 13 years ago I got a phone call from my mom asking - TopicsExpress


About this time 13 years ago I got a phone call from my mom asking if I had been watching TV and knew where Andy was- I told her in town but not downtown...thankfully. I had been home sick in bed so I scrambled up to turn on the TV to see what was going on. When reality began to sink in, I called Andy to tell him that he needed to pick up the kids and come home immediately. There was no doubt that we were under attack and no knowing what else was planned. Tried to reach a friend who flew for AA at the time- no answer. Found out later that night that she had flown to Miami, not LA. Another friend was worried sick for her husband who was in NYC on business. He called her much later that day to tell her that he was safe. We felt blessed to be safe but were grieving for so many as they were going through the nightmare of locating their loved one, or having lost a loved one. Still seems like a bad nightmare, but the memories are still so real. The beautiful sunshine that day, the eery quiet with no air traffic and little car traffic. Feeling paralyzed, in a fog and going through the motions of carrying on- stunned and knowing that the world had changed forever. The only thing that provides any comfort as various emotions run through is God Bless the USA and knowing that there are thousands of people dedicated to keeping us safe and free. Never forget
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:15:55 +0000

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