About three weeks ago I went to the movies and saw the trailer for - TopicsExpress


About three weeks ago I went to the movies and saw the trailer for The Interview, the new Seth Rogen film. I found it extremely unsettling. Who, in their right mind, would authorize this and think that it would make a good comedy? Its a movie about assassinating the leader of a country we know very little about. About assassinating a man whos sanity and grasp of reality is questionable, who has Daddy Issues and has an ego as big as the country he rules. Did they think he would not see it? Did they think he would find it funny? Did they think he would just let it go while the rest of the world laughs at him? Have you seen the North Korean army going through their exercises?....pretty impressive......and there is a lot of them Just a reminder, it only took a handful of Bin Ladens men with box cutters to bring North America to its knees. Have you seen the total control he has over his countrymen. Talk about kicking the hornets nest. I think the Americans have enough wars going on right now, they dont need to go looking for another one. This is just another example of a disturbing trend going on in the U.S. recently. Re-writing history through major motion pictures. From Hitler being killed in a theater in Inglorious Basterds to the Acadamy award winning American propaganda film Argo. Its got to stop, this stupidity is jeopardizing the safety of the whole world while some bone-heads try to get rich. To release this on Christmas Day is the ultimate insult to Christians throughout the world. If you want to see a film on Christmas please go see something intelligent like the Martin Luther King film Selma or the film on Stephen Hawkings. Both are being released on Christmas Day and both subjects of these films changed the world for the better. Or better still, stay home and watch Its a Wonderful Life. I doubt anybody will be watching any Seth Rogen films 70 years from now.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 06:11:36 +0000

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