About your Health and the Healing of this Good Earth ? And how it - TopicsExpress


About your Health and the Healing of this Good Earth ? And how it all affects Obesity of the human population around the world today? It it is my pleasure to be selected to join and I have a lot to share with you about what is going on in Thailand ? In April of next year Chef Barry has been selected as team captain for Phukets first Organic Agricultural Mountain Bike Tour to help the Kingdom to support the Current Thai Organic farmers communities and to get the Thai Food supply industry to do the same . And yes to get some of the Hotels and Resorts on Phuket Island to switch over from chemically treated foods to serving more organic food choices to their customers as well. All is for a worthy cause for all interested parties , and it is also very good for business today as well. The word Organic when represented properly is much more profitable at the retail level then conventional sprayed chemical produce will ever be . Even with the government subsidies that give an unfair market advantage over the organic market place one fact still remains to you and to the entire consumer industry ? The agricultural chemical industry is clearly against Nature and Human Health of the people has a very clear agenda? Of servicing their stock market shareholders wallets first and for most ? And not YOU with valued nutrition of clean safe foods that ethically must be addressed for the buying public today while there is still very little time left. We have been nutritionally hoodwinked through advertising and most of the Traditional Thai Agriculture base line has been effectively hijacked by chemical agricultural special interest groups for insidious decades against the buying population. And only a few voices are speaking out against this treason of humanity and Holistic Chef Barry is one of those voices . It is part of our fault as well for supporting these kinds of products using our purchasing power with out exercising our informed right to boycott such products and to replace them with whole organic foods from Nature instead . It was for our forefathers just a mere 100 years ago when all foods on this good Earth was organically available not a problem at the time. Now everything has changed in our food supply system and we let it happen. The Good Earth Chef is glad to operate out of Thailand but this country is also entrenched into the main stream medical mafia system and nature is really suppressed in this country to the max . Thai people must follow the good word of their Monarchy and less to the corrupted politicians that are more interested in servicing the foreign multi national food and seed corporations like Monsanto . When a country loses its traditional organic agricultural base line to a foreign enterprise that controls the food supply then effectively by default the host country has lost its own sovereignty. This is what is at stake currently in Thailand . Time is not on the good side of this country with out a positive change to work more sustainably with Nature . Unfortunately unless more people support the remaining smaller community of Thai Organic Farmers Association with needed capital then it will be difficult for the Organic Consumer Association of Thailand . It all starts with YOU and with Businesses in the Thailand Tourist Industry to open up their hearts ,mind, and more financial support of the hard working Organic Thai Farmers that work hard to preserve what is left of the Traditional Organic Thai Agricultural Base line in the Kingdom. We all benefit for your support of this worthy cause . Holistic Chef Barry Your Good Earth Chef 4 LIFE
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 07:29:26 +0000

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