Absolute shame whats happening in this country and especially New - TopicsExpress


Absolute shame whats happening in this country and especially New York with the execution of two police officers over the weekend. I applaud the NYPD for turning their backs on the absolute disgrace of a mayor de Blasio. There is a really misguided sentiment that is an agenda pushed by guys like Sharpton, de Blasio, and even Obama. Is there an issue with police brutality and have there been unjustified uses of force against innocent African Americans in this country? ABSOLUTELY. And it needs to be addressed, and when a cop breaks laws to get some licks in on a perp, he is no longer a cop, he/she is a criminal and should be treated like one. The problem is the 2 incidents that all the activists are hanging their hats on - are not examples of this. Michael Brown was a punk evil kid who never once surrendered to the cop like pop culture and athletes like to say - he ATTACKED a cop and got killed. Im sorry that it happened, maybe if his parents who show up for every looting session and photo op - showed as much attention and punctuality to their kids upbringing and discipline, he wouldnt be dead. Eric Gardner was an obese guy who was repeatedly breaking the law - and at the REQUEST OF OTHER MINORITIES in that neighborhood, he was frequently arrested because he stood outside small businesses owned by other minorites and harassed customers and sold cigarettes, where many of the businesses sold cigarettes - and when he was told to put his hands behind his back, he refused, and was taken to the ground. He died more because he was a very obese diabetic with heart problems than he did because of the minimal contact on his neck. Did he deserve to die? Absolutely not, if he put his hands behind his back as he was ordered, would he still be alive? Probably - unless his heart gave out, hed probably be outside the same businesses, harassing the same people, and stealing money out of the same small business owners, breaking the same laws - because his history says that would be an absolute certainty - 31 career arrests on his record. Lastly - Ive seen people on Facebook and the news actually complaining that no one cares when black guys are killed, but everyone is up in arm about 2 cops. The rapper The Game even said Who cant breathe now - its good that guys with facial tattoos are now authorities to chime in on anything. But people do care about anyone getting killed. The problem isnt that the news doesnt report young black kids getting killed - its that they do. But when a stray bullet kills a young toddler sitting in his crib in NJ, or a young girl is shot on her steps in Chicago, and the COUNTLESS other examples like that - the media doesnt send all their reporters to report. Al Sharpton isnt going to march to the neighborhood and demand that the gang violence stops. And DEMAND that the witnesses who saw it happen come forward. Or demand that the gangs get swept off the streets. You know why? No camera time there. So the thousands of real INNOCENT people who get killed by thugs - their lives are meaningless to the media, the Al Sharptons, the de Blasios, the athletes, and celebrities. But the handful of people killed by the cops, thats the issue? And the people we morn are 2 career criminals who were killed in the process of breaking multiple laws - those are the people we will immortalize on t-shirts. But the thousands of kids who never did a thing wrong in their lives - no one cares. And the enemy of these people are the cops- the same cops who have to scoop up the dead kids from the street, the same cops who have to hold a crying mother, the same cops who will try and find justice for the INNOCENT kid, that is killed by the same people that these neighbohoods protect. Im sick and tired of the ignorance. God Bless the NYPD - and may Al Sharpton and Bill de Blasio get herpes of the eyeballs and tongue and rot in hell.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 15:34:33 +0000

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