Abstract from Inspire: Chapter 1: Intro Good day to you, may your - TopicsExpress


Abstract from Inspire: Chapter 1: Intro Good day to you, may your life be at peace with its self, and may it overflow with peace, love and pure awesomeness today and everyday of your life...By Vincent Happy Mnisi. May the sun bring you new energy by day, May the moon softly restore you by night, May the rain wash away your worries, May the breeze blow new strength into your being, May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life...An Apache Blessing. God created humankind and gave them their rights to live their lives. With that right God gave mankind the power of discretion, which is the power to choose their own course of action. Without discretion, life is meaningless...By Vincent Happy Mnisi Mankind was given the freedom to choose from many alternatives that surrounds them. Their chooses will determine who they are in life. Mankinds greatest privilege is to enjoy the presence of God in their chosen religion, as humankind was created different with vast cultural differences and values we all devised a way to pray to God hence there are so many Religions on earth... By Vincent Happy Mnisi. If youre reading this then I hope something good happens to you today....By Codeblack and Vincent Happy Mnisi. Dear whoever is reading this: I hope you have a reason to smile today....By Basiden Live. Dont worry everything is going to be amazing...By Rev Run. Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great and strong purpose in your heart…By Gordon. B. Hinkley. Your purpose in life, you should have one or several which can be changed from time to time. One purpose everybody should have is to making the world a better place. Everybody’s life is full of obstacles. Obstacles are lessons and once you learn to live a life with purpose in your heart; you are living a life of purpose…By Vincent Happy Mnisi. Starting today, I need to forget whats gone appreciate what still remains, and look forward to whats coming next...Unknown. You don’t need permission to follow your dreams, you are the leader in your life and are worthy of all the joy in the world. Ask yourself what is really important, and then have the wisdom and courage to build your life around your answer…By Energy Therapy. Having a rough morning? Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? That’s called purpose. You are alive for a reason; don’t give up…By BeginWithYes. Have the courage to be yourself...By Panache Desai. At this stage in my life, if it doesnt 1) make me happy? 2)make me better? 3)Make me money?. I dont make time for it...By Baisden Live... There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind…By C.S.Lewis. You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible…By Deepak Chopra. If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough…By Baisden Live. It’s time, time to stop living your life because of what other people expect. Time to walk your own path and follow your own dreams. Time to let go of fear and allow your heart to lead you…By Kate Spencer. I know what I want. I can say No when I need to and I can say Yes When I need to. I have the confidence to say what I mean…By Lynda Fields. It’s finally time to drop those negative thoughts about yourself; they are only getting in your way. Never mind whatever it is, that you think you can’t do…concentrate instead on what you can do…By Lynda Field Life Coach. “Always speak the truth even if your voice shakes…Anonymous. You spend your whole life looking for that one person to make you happy and complete never realising that one person is YOU!!!...By GrowingBolder. The ability to speak several languages is an asset, but the ability to keep your mouth shut in any language is priceless…By Music For Deep. Live simply, Be grateful. Love more. Dream Big, Laugh Lots and have Faith…By Power of PositivityMy advice is never to never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time…By Charles Dickens. I have too many flaws to be perfect. But I have too many blessings to be ungrateful…By Shashicka Tyre-Hill. Be Happy; Be Bright; Be You! The distance between your dreams and reality is called Action…By Wisdom Starting today, I need to forget whats gone, appreciate what still remains and look forward to whats coming next...Unknown. Dont start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. Every day is a fresh start. Each day is a new beginning. Every morning we wake up is the first day of our new Life!!!....By IBelieve,com. Happiness is the bright level of success...By KushandWizdom.Codeblacklife. Be of good cheer, its still a fabulous year!...By Kenni Gambo. But the path of the righteous is like the light of Dawn, which shines Brighter and Brighter until full Day....Some days I wonder how, Ive held on this long, but Im reminded that with struggle comes strength...Dont give up...Keep going....By Rato KasiSoul Molaba. Healing doesnt mean the damage never existed, it means the damage no longer controls our lives...Indian Proverbs. Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other...By Brain Tracy. Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all love of what you are doing or learning to do...By Pele. Sometimes all you need is a hundred million dollars...By Sue Fitzmaurice. Take nothing for granted everyday is a blessing, embrace the struggles. Let it make you stronger for success. Your blessings are on the way the way!...By Tony Gaskins. Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know...By Pema Chodron. You are not born a winner and your are not born a loser. You are born a chooser...By Incredible Joy. Decide once and for all to have an extraordinary life...By Prosperity Fairy. Whatever you believe with conviction becomes reality...By Brain Tracy. Every morning start a new page in your story. Make it great one today...By Doe Zantamata. Meditate. Contemplate. Create. Breathe. Repeat...By Lisa Renee Wilson. Creative people: 1) Easily bored. 2) Risk takers. 3) Colour outside the lines. 4) Think with their hearts. 5) Make lots of mistakes 6) Hate the rules. 7) Work Independently 8) Change their minds a lot. 9) Have a reputation for eccentricity 10) Dream big....Unknown. If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeam and you will always look lovely...By Wisdom Sayings. Once you connect with yourself it is impossible to be lonely or desperate...By Bryant McGill. Its never too late to start doing the right thing. Start now. Forgive, love, start again. Whatever it is you need to do, just do it...By Manna Expresson-line. Revive your light manifest your dreams, realise your worth...By Brain Tracy. If you expect the world to be fair with you because you are fair, with you because you are fair, youre fooling yourself. Thats like expecting the lions not to eat you because you dont eat him...By Baisden Live. The most important thing to realise is yourself worth. When you know your worth you set the standards for you...By Necole Stephens. Dont be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams...By Ralph Waldo Emerson. If you want to be Happy you must become a happiness seeker. You have to think about happiness, look for happiness and believe with all your heart that you deserve happiness...By Bryant McGill. Happiness is knowing you are fabulous...know that you are Fabulous! And let happiness have her fabulous way today...By Kenni Gambo. A Great attitude becomes a great mood. A Great mood becomes a great day. A Great day becomes a great year, a great year becomes a great life...Unknown. Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody is watching...By Nurturing Life. Some creations take time. Give the seeds of your dreams time to take root and find their way into the world. Its OK to take out to nourish your soul world. Its OK to take time out to nourish your soul and let the universe work its magic...By Laurel Bleadon Mattei. In the age of information. Ignorance is a choice...By World Truth TV. Dear whoever is reading this, I hope you have a reason to smile today...By Lifefm and Vincent Happy Mnisi. Have a Good day, may your hearts overflow with peace, love and pure awesomeness today and enjoy the read get Inspired!!!...By Vincent Happy Mnisi. I hope you have some adventures this week. I hope you discover something new. I hope you discover something new. I hope you get to see some beautiful things. And I hope you fell peace all the way through...By S.C. Lousie. Confidence is nothing more than believing in yourself, is about doing the things you once didnt believe you could do...By Steve Aitchison. This is a motivational book meant to Inspire all that get to read it...This is a book of quotations along 6 titles, 1)Good life! 2)The Company we keep. 3) God; you and the world. 4)Love. 5)Fate and 6) Destiny...This book will Inspire everyone that reads it.....Buy one for just £7.67 from the UK Amazon link:amazon.co.uk/INSPi.../dp/1505500761/ref=sr_1_1... or $10.80 from the USA Amazon link: amazon/INSPiRE.../dp/1505500761/ref=sr_1_1... plus postage fees. Get your copy NOW!!! from the links and your book will be delivered to your door within 24hrs of ordering it....Get Inspired!!!!....and begin 2015 with a different perspective on life....Enjoy!!!...please give feedback on Inspire Facebook page..:https://facebook/pages/Inspire/1544747975764203 INSPiRE!!!: ASPIRE for ASSERTIVENESS: 1 (Vinny Version) INSPiRE!!!: ASPIRE for ASSERTIVENESS: 1 (Vinny... AMAZON.CO.UK INSPiRE!!!: ASPIRE for ASSERTIVENESS: 1 (Vinny Version) INSPiRE!!!: ASPIRE for ASSERTIVENESS: 1 (Vinny... AMAZON.CO.UK amazon.co.uk/INSPiRE-ASPIRE-ASSERT…/…/ref=sr_1_1… INSPiRE!!!: ASPIRE for ASSERTIVENESS: 1 (Vinny Version) INSPiRE!!!: ASPIRE for ASSERTIVENESS: 1 (Vinny Version) AMAZON.CO.UK
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 14:37:26 +0000

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