Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings - TopicsExpress


Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The prayer of a man in congregation is twenty-five times greater than prayer in his home or shop, because when he performs ablution in a good manner and leaves to the mosque only to perform prayer, then his every step will raise him a degree and expiate a sin until he enters the mosque. When he is performing prayer, the angels send blessings upon him for as long as he remains in his place of prayer. They say: O Allah, bless him and have mercy upon him. One of you continues to be in prayer as long as he is waiting for prayer.” Source: Sahih Bukhari 620 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al- Bukhari ﻋﻦ ﺃﺑﻲ ﻫﺮﻳﺮﺓ ﻗَﺎﻝَ ﺭَﺳُﻮﻝُ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪِ ﺻَﻠَّﻰ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪُ ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻪِ ﻭَﺳَﻠَّﻢَ ﺻَﻠَﺎﺓُ ﺍﻟﺮَّﺟُﻞِ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟْﺠَﻤَﺎﻋَﺔِ ﺗُﻀَﻌَّﻒُ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﺻَﻠَﺎﺗِﻪِ ﻓِﻲ ﺑَﻴْﺘِﻪِ ﻭَﻓِﻲ ﺳُﻮﻗِﻪِ ﺧَﻤْﺴًﺎ ﻭَﻋِﺸْﺮِﻳﻦَ ﺿِﻌْﻔًﺎ ﻭَﺫَﻟِﻚَ ﺃَﻧَّﻪُ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺗَﻮَﺿَّﺄَ ﻓَﺄَﺣْﺴَﻦَ ﺍﻟْﻮُﺿُﻮﺀَ ﺛُﻢَّ ﺧَﺮَﺝَ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺍﻟْﻤَﺴْﺠِﺪِ ﻟَﺎ ﻳُﺨْﺮِﺟُﻪُ ﺇِﻟَّﺎ ﺍﻟﺼَّﻠَﺎﺓُ ﻟَﻢْ ﻳَﺨْﻂُ ﺧَﻄْﻮَﺓً ﺇِﻟَّﺎ ﺭُﻓِﻌَﺖْ ﻟَﻪُ ﺑِﻬَﺎ ﺩَﺭَﺟَﺔٌ ﻭَﺣُﻂَّ ﻋَﻨْﻪُ ﺑِﻬَﺎ ﺧَﻄِﻴﺌَﺔٌ ﻓَﺈِﺫَﺍ ﺻَﻠَّﻰ ﻟَﻢْ ﺗَﺰَﻝْ ﺍﻟْﻤَﻠَﺎﺋِﻜَﺔُ ﺗُﺼَﻠِّﻲ ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻪِ ﻣَﺎ ﺩَﺍﻡَ ﻓِﻲ ﻣُﺼَﻠَّﺎﻩُ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻬُﻢَّ ﺻَﻞِّ ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻪِ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻬُﻢَّ ﺍﺭْﺣَﻤْﻪُ ﻭَﻟَﺎ ﻳَﺰَﺍﻝُ ﺃَﺣَﺪُﻛُﻢْ ﻓِﻲ ﺻَﻠَﺎﺓٍ ﻣَﺎ ﺍﻧْﺘَﻈَﺮَ ﺍﻟﺼَّﻠَﺎﺓَ 620 ﺻﺤﻴﺢ ﺍﻟﺒﺨﺎﺭﻱ ﺃَﺑْﻮَﺍﺏُ ﺻَﻠَﺎﺓِ ﺍﻟْﺠَﻤَﺎﻋَﺔِ ﻭَﺍﻟْﺈِﻣَﺎﻣَﺔِ ﺻﻼﺓ ﺍﻟﺠﻤﺎﻋﺔ ﺗﻔﻀﻞ ﺻﻼﺓ ﺍﻟﻔﺬ ﺑﺨﻤﺲ ﻭﻋﺸﺮﻳﻦ ﺩﺭﺟﺔ
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 09:42:56 +0000

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