Abuja’s dreamy city builders: It is remarkable that the Goodluck - TopicsExpress


Abuja’s dreamy city builders: It is remarkable that the Goodluck Jonathan presidency is dreaming of a dream city in a shambolic setting. The administration, playing deaf to loud criticisms of its controversial Centenary City project designed to commemorate 100 years of the historic amalgamation of the country’s Northern and Southern Protectorates in 1914, has finally unveiled the scenic beauty. The news picture of a smiling President Jonathan symbolically scooping sand with a shovel at the ground-breaking ceremony in the federal capital, Abuja, presented him as being engaged in a labour of love. Unsurprisingly, his words on the occasion were in sync with the image. He said: “I am indeed delighted to be part of history at today’s ground-breaking and unveiling ceremony of the Centenary City, Abuja.” Jonathan added: “I am pleased to state that the successes of such cities as Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, Shenzhen in the Peoples’ Republic of China and the Songdo International Business District in South Korea have shown that the development of a themed city is a strong social, political and economic tool for securing foreign investment, promoting positive international attention and heralding new national economic renaissance.” No doubt, the listing of existing models for the project was an enlightening exercise, even though by highlighting these cases, there appeared to be more focus on the end result rather than how such outcome was achieved. So, it looked like Jonathan was daydreaming, not to say that he seemed to have been enjoying an intense moment of delusion. It is instructive that the cost of the city, which will occupy 1,200 hectares, is put at N2.976tr ($18.6bn); and 20 per cent of the plots will be for residential houses, while the remaining 80 per cent will be for mixed use and commercial purposes. Interestingly, in what amounted to an unwitting put-down of his administration’s performance, Jonathan boasted: “We don’t want to build a city where everybody will have maiguard (security guard). We don’t want a city where everybody will dig their boreholes and where everybody will be buying generators.” If, as he implied, the larger milieu is a sorry advertisement for dysfunctional infrastructure, is that reality not a good reason for Hardball to say “shame on him”? The questions are: Shouldn’t infrastructural efficiency outside the boundary of the Centenary City, meaning across the country, be the main concern of these dreamers? Is this city meant to be a grand beauty in the middle of striking ugliness? The aptness of these concerns was indirectly illustrated by Gen. (retd) Abdulsalami Abubakar, a former military Head of State and Chairman of Centenary City Plc, the company said to be the promoter of the project. He said, in addition to Jonathan’s remarks: “It is only when there is peace that the project can be successful. It is the duty of everyone of us to make sure that we maintain peace in the country.” Against this background, the champions of the project must be living in a dreamland if they believe that their concentration on the city, to the apparent detriment of the country, is not counter-productive to the desired peace. Original link Read More goo.gl/ssdRma (y) ✍comment ☏share
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 00:01:10 +0000

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