Abundance Prayer I Have tuned into what I believe to be a - TopicsExpress


Abundance Prayer I Have tuned into what I believe to be a collective vision of how we, as a species on this beautiful planet, can understand(remember ancestral wisdom of) the way that we exchange energy between one another(all beings included). When we trade our inherent infinite life force energy, for a symbol(a dollar) we often imbue into that symbol, a finite amount of our energy, recording our life force into the symbols we energize and exchange. Often times we are just energizing numbers in a computerized bank account... but still the fact remains, as long as we continue to energize finite amounts of our life force into these symbols inside of shore of the banks directing limited rules of OUR currency... we are agreeing to play that game. I Propose we imbue the infinite energy into these symbols of money. No longer giving a finite amount of energy to a dollar, leaving scarcity mentality behind, and energizing all symbols that represent our life force with awakened infinite loving compassionate and tirelessly understanding attitude towards the systems we have collectively created to understand this dense level of amnesia, to mask from our selves, our inherent glory. Let us imbue this system as it stands with the infinite potential of our love and understanding and actualization of the infinite flow of life force flowing freely through everything, as even the blockages are just a part of the one current.... Pay All Taxes and Bills, which you choose to pay, with money imbued with your own abundance attitude, Allowing it to further expand into infinity. Hold the dollars, checks, credit/debit cards, and pray with them as you allow your infinite abundance to flow through you into the systems that serve a function for you right NOW! Why wait to change the system, Change it RIGHT NOW! We are not activists, we are activationsists, We have come here from all over the universe to assist, As there is a new vision of money taking form on this Planet, And now is the most essential time for us to Plan IT, Transparency is the foundation of this new way, The consumers and companies will feel what we say, The old way is no longer working for us, No, this is not about fighting or making a fuss, Let our investments be made with the fullest of trust, As WE are directing our currency as a fundamental must, Let us hold new ideas about money, the root of all transactions, It is not Paper, It is not Green, It’s energy flows through ALL Interactions. Let this ENERGY flow free with our infinite love, As Infinite Abundance encompasses us from below and above, Let us free ourselves from the bank’s limitations, Meeting the Ocean, riding the current with ecstatic elations, With this Infinite Source of Life force we give and receive, Remaining in balance is most important, so do I believe, How can we do this, what is the key? It takes only one choice, and that is to be FREE! Why try to change the way the Governments Abuse it, It’s our responsibility, as we change the way we use it. There is a New Page Turning, A NEW Chapter Unfolding, We’ve had enough; it’s time to change this bickering, blaming, and scolding, In this new story here, YES, The Time of The Heart, To Remember the Ancient Codes that have been imprinted since the start… To look at FEAR, turn the tables, and directly Face IT, Please, Look to the heart of this Fear…. It is your own, Embrace IT, There is one beautiful common thread that I can see Hear, We all want to FEEL LOVE, and UNDERSTAND FEAR. As the Illusions Curtains drop away, the mIrrors are shown, The Light Shines BRIGHTER and once again we’ve Grown, Money Flows like the Smoke between mIrrors, Hiding from ourselves our deepest fears, That there is NO ONE to take advantage of, or gain anything from, Each and EVERY OTHER is the self, TOTALITY is the Grand Central SUM, Infinite Abundance and True Wealth Flowing Forever Freely, The Essence of this True Abundance is Treating Each Other Equally, As we allow this MONEY to be our soul’s GRAND LIBERATION, Infinite Abundance flows Free for ALL without Greed’s Stagnation, Not just in SUM ways, but in ALL Ways NOW, We Acknowledge this Infinite Abundance of OverFlowing WOW! Namaste Makanaokeakua~
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 22:54:10 +0000

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