Abuse of Power... Dear Friends, It seems to me, changing our - TopicsExpress


Abuse of Power... Dear Friends, It seems to me, changing our Constitution for naked political advantage, is not only corrupt but it actually endangers our republic. This week the Democratically controlled congress is taking the initial Machiavellian steps to amend our Constitution, so they can decide who can give and how much money that can be spent on political and public service campaigns. This is so clearly a dishonest political move, the unbiased media has given it a good leaving alone, so as not to awaken the American people. Since our government prefers to work in the dark of night, passing bills to regulate every aspect of our lives and enrich themselves, I am not at all shocked. They have been playing the despotism game for a century , while we play tiddlywinks. I do wonder however, who in their right minds would think this power would not be abused immediately? Our government has derailed from our Constitution. That cannot be debated. With the absurd postulation of the New Class progressives that run the DNC and the RNC, that our Constitution is a “living breathing document,” our only real bulwark against tyranny has been mutated into a chimera, designed to do the opposite of what it was intended. Progressives have doubled down on their scheme to wrest power from the Constitution and place it firmly and forever in their greasy hands. Even when the New Class controlled Supreme Court doesnt pervert the Constitution, to give the statists a leg up, the New Class will take matters into their own hands by amending our Constitution. Since arbitrary power is the end goal of New Class Progressives, and to them the end justifies the means, changing the Constitution for political power is merely par for the course. To argue that the political elite will not misuse the new power to control political thought through legislation is to argue fish dont swim and birds dont fly. The scandals of the past few years have been as breathtaking in their scope as they were in their audacity. The IRS targeting politically disfavored groups, like the Tea Party, pro Israeli groups and conservative republicans, is so corrupt... in a sane world people would already be in jail. The intentional destruction of government property and erasing of emails by the IRS is a clear sign to all but the most willfully blind, that our government has disconnected from any Constitutional, legal or moral restraint. When someone has proven, over and over, they cannot be trusted, to trust them is just plain stupid. Our political elite have been caught in so many lies only the most imbecilic among us believe them. The cover up of the botched kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi is but one terrifically egregious example. The Obama administration sent Susan Rice on a lying tour of the Sunday talk shows. The story they peddled was such obvious fiction, I was flabbergasted that they thought so little of our intelligence they would come up with such a lame excuse for a terrorist attack on a US embassy, on the anniversary of 911. In a blog that I wrote that day I said as much. Now that the lie has been exposed for what it is there are no consequences for it. This shows the lengths our government will do to cover up their misdeeds and is indicative of how low in esteem they hold us. In the last election, where Obama won his second term, government pulled out all the stops to convince the American people up is down and right is left. The Benghazi cover up was only one example. The Federal reserve enacted QE3 just prior to the election of 2012, to gin the stock markets and give the American people a false sense of economic growth. Even the Census bureau got in on the act. A year before the election a famous CEO, Jack Welch, said the unemployment rate would be below 8%, an unemployment number requisite for a sitting President to be reelected. The unbiased media turned on him like a pack of rabid dogs. Then, like clockwork, as the election neared amazingly enough the unemployment figures dropped exactly as he had said they would. The numbers were later shown to be as false as a Chinese government GDP figure, but Obama had won... the election and the ruses had worked. The political elite have proven over and over they cannot be trusted. Our founding fathers as much as told us this would happen, but we have been so stupefied many of us dont even care, as long as we get their welfare check, food stamps, hack job or crony capitalism kickbacks. Let me ask you this, answer it honestly, (if only to yourself), would you believe your husband or wife if they had been caught cheating on you over and over, when you caught them posting an ad on the internet for a hooker... that they were actually looking for a maid? Only a fool believes someone who is incapable of telling the truth, and those who do believe a known liar, deserve what they get. Changing our Constitution so the political elite can have more power to lie, control the narrative and shut down debate, is so obviously corrupting to any political system the American people should roar in anger, but instead, so many of us dilute our righteous indignation with their complacence, the roar will be quieted to a low hum, and the political elite will move the ball of tyranny further down the field. We have no one but ourselves to blame though... for allowing it. Sincerely, John Pepin
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 16:12:13 +0000

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