Acceptance ~ Recording Crystals Open your mind to the new. - TopicsExpress


Acceptance ~ Recording Crystals Open your mind to the new. Unexpected information may be revealed which will help you to comprehend the jigsaw of your life. Those of you who work with crystals are guided to place crystals on your third eye in order to receive information these crystals hold within them...information about life, and sacred wisdom from throughout the ages. Also be open to subtle signs and messages right in the messages which come to you, accept them, whether they feel good or they challenge you, trust that each message has found its way to you for a reason. Comradery ~ Positivity Watch your thoughts, words, and beliefs today. Eliminate everything negative - including words of gossip, doubt, or fear. Decide on your vision for your community and the world. Then focus wholeheartedly on it. Your life must inevitably accelerate, so expect to move forward now. Consider everything you say and think. Observe that which restricts your growth, impedes your journey, and stops the flow of life. Be mindful and practice letting such inhibition or insensitivity float away calmly and without upset. Dont attach yourself to any negativity. We all have moments of negativity. If we can accept this without beating ourselves up about it, it is much easier to align with our most positive selves, more. Focus on the positive in EVERYTHING even where it may seem there is none...look for the silver-lining. It will take you a long way to existing more harmoniously within, and without. Co-operation ~ The Sphynx The sphynx may indicate that you must keep your own or other peoples secrets, to prove that others can trust you. Or it may suggest that it is time for you to look within to access your wisdom, then share it appropriately. The sphynx is believed to represent purity as well as contain the records for all the Universes. To me this suggests that co-operation is needed if we are to access as much wisdom and knowledge as we can. As pieces of the whole, we ourselves are complete and yet together we form a larger picture. We each are a jigsaw puzzle piece, and whilst we may not fit with some of the other pieces, the picture is not complete if we do not co-operate with those pieces we should be connected to, as they connect to other pieces, and so it goes until we are all connected by way of forming the Universal whole. And this is why co-operation and sharing of ourselves is so important. Respect ~ Nature That itself is a message Respect nature ;-) This card reminds you to recognise and honour your uniqueness and that of everyone else. Consciously contribute to the well-being of the natural world and notice how people, animals, and plants respond to you... Everyone and everything is part of Source, part of the whole, so respect and honour this. Honour the fact that your nature is entirely valuable and valued...who you are is important to the entirety of what everything is!!! We are guided to remember that everything is unique, no two people or things are identical, even if it is merely location or perspective which differentiates between them. So whilst it is key to find our common visions, dreams, values etc, it is also important to accept that we are not identical to anything or anyone and no amount of meddling, interfering, or intervention will change this. So we can celebrate our similiarities, but to reject our uniquity is to reject our nature, and life. Lets embrace each other and our quirks :-) Understanding ~ Contemplation It would help you to spend time in quiet contemplation. This card is a reminder that the answers you seek are within you at all times! So allow yourself quiet time (whenever possible) to tune into your Inner Oracle. Connecting with yourself is key to understanding what you seek to know more, and spending time in nature is key to feeling our oneness and understanding better (even if only a little) the wide world and vast Cosmos to which we belong. Through time with your own nature as well as our external natural world, you are open to the guidance and clarity that may elude you at other times of your hectic daily life.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 21:00:08 +0000

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