Acceptance and Forgiveness: Why they are important There are - TopicsExpress


Acceptance and Forgiveness: Why they are important There are some of us, who for whatever reason do not know who or what our parent(s) may have been and what they did. Often we as children are punished by others for the sins of our parents; often we punish ourselves. Its important in our lives to understand those issues and either forgive our parents and most importantly to forgive ourselves. Ive only recently been able to do this myself. I just watched a German film about Monika Goeth-Hetzig. She is the daughter of Amon Goeth, who was the SS commander of Krakow-Plaszow concentration camp in Poland. He was portrayed in the film Shindlers List. He was one of the most brutal of all the camp commanders. Having been born in 1945, she never knew her father or his legacy. In 2005 she set out to uncover this history and meet with a survivor of her fathers torment. They met at the sites of great horror; the Warsaw Ghetto, Plaszow Camp, and Goeths villa where shed been kept as a slave for 5 years. Nothing was held back on the brutality of Amon Goeth. In the end demons and horrors were confronted by both women: acceptance, forgiveness, and healing began. The survivor held no bitterness for the child of this monster. However, the child held shame for the actions of someone shed never known; and for the mother whod minimized such brutality committed in the name of necessity. I have very few actual memories of my father and grand father. Of the few I have, they for me are only vague and ones of love and kindness. While growing up I was punished by my mother and other relatives for who my father and grandfather were. I never understood this, I still dont. However, Ive forgiven them and finally forgiven myself for having hated what they did to me for so many years. I hope that Im past the pain and can finally move on. Its important that we accept who we are, where/who we may have come from. However, we need to understand that we arent responsible for the sins of the past, and that we forgive those who try to hold us accountable for those sins. Their scars may be too deep to heal, sometimes they can be.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 17:11:35 +0000

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