Accepting The Truth About White America History teaches that - TopicsExpress


Accepting The Truth About White America History teaches that the Founder of the “Nation Of Islam (NOI),” The Honorable Wallace D. Fard, gave to The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the true religion for the Negroes (Spanish for Blacks), living in America. One such truth was the White man represents the Devil and his offspring. And of course, this caused a lot of controversy. How could this be correct? After all, the White man was no different in appearance and attributes as that of any other human being. And when one of the NOI, most famous leaders and members denounce such teaching after making the pilgrimage to Mecca, for most, if not all Negroes, followed such denunciation. Of course, Im speaking of the Honorable Malcolm X. These were the thoughts of a young Mr. X, who was cut down before he had a chance to live old enough to see the behavior of Whites today. Had he lived, would he have not reverted to his earlier teachings? There is a cycle all humans go through, if they are allowed to live and die naturally, without the interference of other human beings. This cycle is called the growing cycle. When one is young in this cycle, he thinks and oftentimes behave in a somewhat predictable way. And when he/she reaches the middle of this cycle, they more often than not, think and behave differently from their earlier growth. And still further, behave and think differently in their latter growth than they did in their middle growth. Unless of course, they die as fools. This is confirmed by King Solomon in Ecclesiastes Chapter 6, verses 4 - 6, which states, “[f]or he comes in with vanity, and departs in darkness, and his name shall be covered in darkness. Moreover, he has not seen the sun, nor known any thing: this has more rest than the other. Yea, though he live a thousand years twice told, yet has seen no good: do not all go to one place?” Meaning, hes born knowing nothing and dies knowing nothing. For he/she never sees the light and therefore never know anything. Because, no matter how she/he you lives, but yet his/her soul is not filled with good, there is no way (s)he has seen the sun. This makes such a person a fool because, such a person is going to the same place as the wise and good. Sorry, but if you still dont understand, further explanation is beyond the scope of this Post. The Readers, should be cautious and take care they do not misconstrue or view the previous 4 paragraphs. In no wise, are such named paragraphs a condemnation of Mr. X. For Mr. X and others like him, were not allowed to live their latter growth. So no one knows, whether he (Mr. X and others like him) would have thought and behaved in their latter growth as they did in their middle growth period. But what we do know is, W.E.B. Dubois, completed a good part of his cycle. As history shows, Mr. Dubois, thought one way as a young man, then in his middle age, had faith and trust in white America – after being thoroughly educated of course - feuding incessantly with Marcus Garvey views on white America, and then, in his latter growth, saw Mr. Garvey. was correct, and moved to Liberia as an example to Negroes, that he was wrong about Mr. Garvey and white America. But by then, as we all know, it was to late. For by his own doings, Mr. Dubois, had helped and aided in the brainwashing of his people against Mr. Garvey. For very few, if any, including those who were once in favor and supportive of, the Black Star Line, that would carry them there (to Liberia), followed. So if Mr. Xs life, would have not been interfered with by others, would he have not concluded in his latter growth, that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, was right in teaching him that, white Folks were indeed, Devils? Perhaps, we would know, if his life, would not have been interfered with by those he once considered Devils. The most effective propaganda tool used to persuade the multitude of Negroes that they (white Folks) were not Devils and to disprove that such thinking was only a myth was, “we are just as human as anyone else.” “For there are Negroes (Black) who commit wrong and evil as well.” Only a fool would argue with such a slogan and statement as this, for it is all so true. Negroes, have been indoctrinated that anyone who speaks as this Post does, is filled with hate and racism. So in their minds, this Posts is nothing but gibberish of a angry hate filled Colored Niggro. Now wait a minute, hold on to your horses, not so fast, not so fast. You Negroes need to calm down. No one is talking against your beloved Massas and Missuses. Your (Negroes) jesus loving, jesus fearing, Christian Pastors, Reverends, Bishops, Ministers, Preachers and Popes, teach and preach that there is a Godly seed and a Demonic Seed. And, as the stories of the mythical jesus proves, such seeds appear in the form of Human Beings. To prove humans can be manipulated to appear as a natural creation of the Lord God Almighty, an example is in order. Does anybody remember how the White Tiger came about? If so, then one should know that such tiger was not a natural creation of the Almighty God, but was bred into existence instead. Therefore, it is not inconceivable that with the knowledge and power of Angelic Beings, such breeding can not be accomplished with Humans. This is confirmed in Genesis Chapter 6, where the sons of God, also known as, the fallen Angels, commingled with the daughters of men. Thereby, producing evil wicked offspring. I can hear the shouting and mockery now, especially among the brain dead American Negroes, yelling, “God destroyed them (evil and wicked) with a flood. You really need to shut up Colored Niggro, cause youre showing, you dont have a clue or know what the sam heck youre talking about. You are really getting on our nerves with your angry, racist, hateful, Colored Niggro syndrome.” Again, hold your horses, slow down, not so fast, not so fast. Put your out of control emotions in check, and once again, you are urged to calm down. Colored Niggro, is only declaring the facts. There is nowhere in the Christian bible, where it says that, the Lord God, destroyed these corrupt Angelic Beings in the flood, nor does it say, such Beings, will not be allowed to repeat this commingling with the daughters of men in the future. If so, declare and show it, by citing the book, chapter(s) and verse(s) where such declaration can be found. In fact, your New Testament represents, like in the days of Noah, so shall the end times be. Even though, Colored Niggro, will not make a mockery of you as you have of him, nevertheless, he will say, Boy, I tell ya. Thus, just as the breded white tiger, who is not of the original creation, has all the appearances and attributes, of tigers made and created by the Lord God Almighty, so are the Children of Satan. Therefore, BE NOT FOOLED, TRICKED OR DUPED, because these people look like and in all respects have the attributes of the Lord Gods created human, such as: hands, eyes, feet, etc., and internally, lungs, heart, kidneys, etc., one must go by their overall acts and deeds. And notice when they speak, they speak like a Dragon. For those who may not know or understand, a Dragon tongue speaks lies and deceit. Once you allow and permit yourself to such examination, you will or least can understand why the NOI, once referred to these creatures as Devils. For a real time examination of the acts, speech and deeds of these people, one has to look no farther than, Ferguson County, Missouri, USA. The foregoing is a free speech observation and analysis by Colored Niggro.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 12:37:29 +0000

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