Accident. The evening our beautiful boy Murphy had his accident - TopicsExpress


Accident. The evening our beautiful boy Murphy had his accident wit had been a very hectic ordinary day. I had just made dinner which i had put on the coffee table (I hated them up at the main table incase they fell & hurt themselves). I them stood at the livingroom/kitchen door in the same room with my side to the window talking to Murphys daddy about his work for that evening. Murphy had been watching his daddy pack the car for work as he had done a million times before but as I was talking to dean he came over to ask for a biscuit i, I said no but he could get one after dinner, a dinner I wasnt confident he would eat as he had sneaked a banana about 15 mins before. After a few mins something caught my eye & I turn and stood staring at Murphy who looked like he was floating. My brain literally couldnt comprehend what I was seeing, seconds later it hit me what was happening. My beautiful little man had hung himself. I ta to him & freed him as quickly as I coil but he wasnt breathing & was the most awful colour Ive seen. I laid him on the floor while throwing the phone & screaming for an ambulance to be called. I began CPR. God knows how I could think straight enough to do anything but we managed to get a response within a minute but because we had been working his chest to as he had no pulse he started to vomit. By this time the 999 operator was giving me instructions via my daughter while Dean & I continued to work on our precious little boy. We eventually got him breathing but he had inhaled the vomit so he was struggling. When the paramedics arrive which seemed to take forever they took over and eventually decided it would better if they just picked him up & ran to the ambulance where his heart needed to be shocked back into rhythm. I was them told by the Dr he was fairly certain because of the way Murphy was moving and arching his back whilst keeping his limbs very stiff that he had suffered brain damage due to lack of oxygen. It seemed to take seconds to arrive at the hospital where the drs where waiting for him. So many drs. He had lost his airway again by this time & had to be intubated & was paralysed & placed in a drug induced coma, he was also kept incredibly cold to give his brain the best chance, he also had to wear a rigid neck collar as there was suspected dislocation of his neck. That night we were transferred to Bristol childrens hospital. We were told the next day that he probably wouldnt make it as he couldnt maintain his blood pressure & if he did survive the prognosis was very poor. He remain this way for nearly 2 wks. Each day they weaned him of the paralytic just enough for him to move a little they did this so it left his system. On the day he woke they had weaned him again & Id been with him all day & had stepped out to the parents room for a drink when my sister came running out saying hes awake I presumed he was just moving a little as he had done before but no when I got to him he was furious shouting mama, normally hes a daddys boy but not today he just wanted his mummy & when anyone else when near him he would yell hey no mama Ive never been so happy or excited & totally overwhelmed & shocked! Over the next few days Murphy was transfered back to Plymouth and weaned of his medications. He is doing brilliantly considering & though he has still got to have various tests & check ups done we have our baby boy home. These blinds need to be banned. I took the precautions to make ours safe, it didnt work. Please dont risk ur childs life. Replace ur blinds, you can never replace your child.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 19:32:42 +0000

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