Acclimatization to CHANGE!!! Abstract thoughts of YOUTH FOOD - TopicsExpress


Acclimatization to CHANGE!!! Abstract thoughts of YOUTH FOOD FOR THOUGHT - thinking about the nature of the world and how it is unknowable on the surface. It seems rational, orderly, aesthetic but what lies beyond this thin veneer of reason? Stability and reality or choas and madness, what are we really made of in the end? Is there truly any meaning to the lives we lead?.....Or are we nothing more than hollow vessels? (heartless vampires who thrive on others downfalls) these are question which need to have NO answer because we cannot hope to see beyond the worlds fragile layer of skin so we live our lives filled with uncertainty never knowing who or what we truly are or what the future truly brings. All we can do is imagine, life becomes an unsolvable mystery with any number of twist/turns awaiting us. Imagination...are our perception scaring us?... But is that really so?.... Imagination defined: The faculty or forming ideas or mental images/the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful (imagination is the very ability that separates us from the animals).....OUR GREATEST GIFT in a sense. Negativity is another form of mental slavery created by doubt hence the term negative there even such a term? Let us stray away from imagination a bit and take a glimpse at reality There are also laws against nuisances in our land not so?.... laws for fouling/contaminating public water for example or construction or non-construction, causing obstruction of public way and these individuals are/should be penalized according to law. So why are politicians causing public obstruction and contaminating our lifes springs so to speak without penalty? Why are all those seeming to want CHANGE in cahoots with THE MAN causing the bad circumstance to begin with?... Are WE a nation lacking self esteem, kindheartedness, ambitious to succeed or are WE carefree or maybe just IDIOTS living without a cause? Let me define self esteem using my favorite definition from Nathaniel Branden: Self esteem is the disposition to experience oneself as competent to cope with the basic challenges of life and as worthy of happiness. Let me also add this saying in relation to not exercising hope for CHANGE as it is apparent: Of all the judgements we pass in our lives none is as important as the one we pass on ourselves and another I like: the greatest evil that can befall a man is that he should come to think ill will of himself I speak of self esteem because one of trait or characteristics of it is being socially effective and by this I am not just speaking of having lots of friends. I am speaking mainly about society and how it operates, how it can be changed for the better by those with self esteem. Those who are not conforming, who want definite CHANGE. Those of US with a heart and a conscience..... Our Fair Helen Of The West has an incredible amount of potential that we must unlock...the land with the most Nobel Laureates per capita. There is no reason that anyone should have to suffer because taxamonial mentalities legislating superiority over minority. WE are more as a PEOPLE, if only we can look away from the traditions and norms of slavery that has plagued US for years now. This abstract analogy is not meant to have any particular answer or isolate any individual concept of psychology but to open up ways to a means for these individual concepts and concerns of our neighbors ideology to be addressed. A START!!!, the very reason my thoughts are shared to the masses with intention to inspire and energize a greater cause. I am not expecting perfection although I am a perfectionist entwined by extant rhetoric and artist extant antiquity left behind....However WE are but mare humans created by a Perfect God but some how got side tracked along the way, side tracked by very things that still delude our thinking today but I still imagine that there is hope (positive imagination) and that is enough to exert tremendous energies into this imagination until it can be realized. Let us turn our neighbors dreams into realities. As YOUTH as optimistic as ever still being denied what is rightfully ours with hopes by the evil doers to dwindle this optimism into so called rational thinking of conforming, molding into a hopeless society created by THE MAN by shameless tactics such as mental slavery.... .....THIS IS HOW ITS DONE!! NO THIS IS!!..... back and forth BS, there are many ways for one goal to be met and OUR individuality is OUR beauty, as long as our goals are symmetrical then lets move forward in beautiful symmetry. A CHANGE IS NEEDED!!! A COMPLETE CHANGE!!! WE do not want to conform and adapt into something without purpose. Let US mobilize Saint Lucia!!! Let US make a complete CHANGE!!! Yours Truly, Troy Sayers Please read: Jason Sifflet, Benoit Michel, Lyndell Erwyn Brown, Rohan Roaks, Sylvester Desir, Longly Francois, Ebra-Easy Ambrose, Lynn Castang, Wayne Vitalis, Darran Willie, Dianne Paul, Dianne Leslie, Dinesh Daswani, Amatus Edwards, Latoya Polius, Iain Sandy, Irma Charles, Amos Randolph, Jesus Son, Jerry George
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 15:47:10 +0000

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