Accontability 101.....15 See then, that you walk circumspectly, - TopicsExpress


Accontability 101.....15 See then, that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, 16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:15-17 (Benson Commentary) See then — Yourselves, upon whom the light of Christ already shines; Walk circumspectly — Ακριβως, accurately, with the utmost exactness; making His Will, as made known to you in His word, your rule, and His glory your end, in all your actions, cares, labors, and pursuits; taking the most attentive heed to every step, and conducting yourselves; Not as fools--, (foolish ones) who have no understanding of their duty or interest, and who consider not what they are doing, in what way they are proceeding forward, or where it will terminate; But as Wise men — Who know the worth of their immortal souls, the snares that are or will be laid to entangle them, by their subtle and powerful enemies, the many pressing dangers they have to avoid, and the important ends they have to secure. Redeeming the time — With all possible care, εξαγοραζομενοι, buying it up, as it were, as a most precious commodity, out of the hands of sin and Satan, of sloth, ease, pleasure, and worldly business, which may be done at the expense of a little self-denial, watchfulness, zeal, and diligence, which will be amply recompensed in time and in eternity; or endeavoring to recover and buy back, (as the word may signify,) as far as possible, what has been lost, by diligently making use of what remains, especially in embracing every opportunity of receiving and doing good, and studying to improve every one to the best purposes: and this the rather, because the days are evil Days are evil — Days of the grossest ignorance, immorality, and profaneness; so that being surrounded on every side with bad examples, we are in danger of being corrupted, and are at the same time exposed to various persecutions and perils, and know not how soon we may be deprived of our liberty or lives. Wherefore — Since the times are so evil, and the danger so great; Be ye not unwise — Ignorant of your duty and true interest, negligent of the concerns of your immortal souls, and inconsiderate as you formerly were; but understanding what the Will of the Lord is — In every time, place, and circumstance. Amen....
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 22:04:16 +0000

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