According Sickular narrative: 60 Hindus burned themselves in - TopicsExpress


According Sickular narrative: 60 Hindus burned themselves in Sabarmati Express committing mass suicide, thousands of Kashmiri Pandits (KPs) killed themselves one fine morning and then lakhs of others Kashimiri Pandits decided to leave their houses, properties and land for secular terrorist came from Pakistan. Now criminal Abdulla duos lectures India about secularism. Its true that in unfortunate 2002 Guj riots many innocent muslims (790) died but it is also true many hindus (254) also died in riots and majority of them in police firing. But illiterate sikulars use words like genocide, holocaust etc so cheaply because these hate mongers have not seen any one of these. If at all India has seen genocide (completely one sided mass killing) then only two incidents come closer to that, first killing of more than 5000 Sikhs in 1984 riots by congi goons and killing of KPs in Kashmir and in any of these incident not a single person from other community has been killed by police firing or in retaliation by other group. But No Sicular feel any pain for 60 Hindus burned alive in Sabaramati like animals, thousands of KPs killed in Kashmir and lakhs of KPs have been forced to leave their home why? just because Hindus are permanently communal and others are secular by default.. No one called Abdulla or Rajiv mass murderer when under their watch and with their help all these happened and still KPs cant go so called secular Kashmir. All hell to such non-sense and if such hypocrisy is called secularism better that I am not sickular. And high sermons that two wrongs doesnt make one right is fine to become great but why Media goons and Sickulars target one tragic incident for political benefit but conveniently ignore or rather happily enjoy other riots (read book of Salman Khurshid (Basakhi chor Congi Minister) how he has drawn satisfaction in 1984 riots)...... Once again I must say that so called congi style secularism is biggest scam which ran for longest times in India by Congi goons and sickular mafia............................
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 11:06:19 +0000

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