According to James Clapper, North Koreas nuclear and missile - TopicsExpress


According to James Clapper, North Koreas nuclear and missile capabilities serve to safeguard the Kim dynastys control of the regime. It explains why the impoverished state has channelled resources into building a nuclear arsenal. General Curtis Scaparrotti thinks that Pyongyang may have managed to miniaturise a warhead to be mounted on long-range missiles, capable of striking the mainland US. While North Korea needs foreign aid to survive economically, it also knows how precious a perceived threat its nuclear ambition poses to its neighbours, Japan and South Korea, Americas allies in the region. Although they dont know when Pyongyang is able to deliver and detonate a nuclear device, they are worried that they might not be able to rely on the US to preserve their own national security. Since Kim Jong-un came to power, the country has conducted several nuclear tests, under the pretext of protecting his countrys sovereignty and dignity. Yet the world is dealing with an unruly young leader, who behaves like a spoiled child seeking attention, or extracting rewards for tantrums. Even though it takes some time for North Korea to perfect its nuclear technology, it remains an unpredictable and dangerous actor in the region. It is difficult to know when Kim would feel his existence threatened. What is more important is the urgency to stop nuclear proliferation. If North Korea shares nuclear technology and know-how with rogue states, that are Americas enemies, they may even pose a graver threat to the US than North Korea itself. Although Pyongyang is heavily sanctioned by UN resolutions, the regime seems to remain defiant and reluctant to give up its nuclear programmes. It makes sense to take China and Russia on board. The two neighbours will no doubt benefit from a denuclearised North Korea. Given their eagerness to keep the US out of the region, the question is, will they cooperate? A dialogue with the deaf can be difficult; but a dialogue with an amnesiac can be no dialogue at all.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 22:55:00 +0000

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