According to Joe...what do you think? Joe Chavez - TopicsExpress


According to Joe...what do you think? Joe Chavez Ptak March 25 at 4:48pm. HISPANICS are targeted for reliance on BIG GOVERNMENT...except they are not fully cooperating. Democrats NEED Hispanics on the government social programs plantation, so that they will be dependent on the Democrat Party...instead of their own self reliance and efforts as Americans. We have already seen what the Democrat policies and agenda for reliance on big government has meant to Black Americans and their communities...Detroit is their shining example. Illegal immigrants are complicating the efforts by the Obama administration to sign up Hispanics for Obamacare. Furthermore there has been a dramatic drop in support of Obamacare by Hispanics. They are not dumb and have become aware of how the lies just keep coming out of the Obama administration...Obama in particular. He is one El Presidente not to be trusted. BTW...there has never been much trust between the black and Hispanic communities to begin with. They dont mingle well...contrary to popular myths. In California, where Latinos account for 46 percent of those eligible for subsidized coverage through the exchange, they represented 22 percent of those who had enrolled by the end February and had also volunteered their race or ethnicity. The state is scrambling to improve its numbers in this week’s home stretch.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:13:52 +0000

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