According to John Elliot, author of “overachievement”, history - TopicsExpress


According to John Elliot, author of “overachievement”, history indicates that individuals who have changed the world are always considered nuts until they are proved right. So how crazy are you? Being crazy is absolutely awesome and you should not be afraid to be labeled crazy. Being crazy is in fact being cool in a big way. All successful individuals are as they are different and daring to do things that would have normally been avoided by common people. When their ideas which are considered “radical” in the beginning are finally accepted, they become geniuses instead. People are of the notion that successful individuals are nuts in the beginning following which they are seen as geniuses. If you hold crazy views it indicates that you are different from the crowd and have the guts to do things differently. Very often society is fond of labeling folks who tend to threaten their old belief systems and do things in a crazy fashion. This is one of the tactics used by associations, governments and organizations to abolish challenges to their competence, which is a common human behavior. However, being labeled crazy is wonderful as you can get away despite pushing the borders further and further away. Eventually you will get a following and once that happens, no one can stop you. The best part is that you have the excuse; remember that you are crazy. So in the long run this is of extreme benefit. In case you are an entrepreneur, innovator or an individual with a high self-esteem, you must have surely been labeled crazy at one point of time or the other. Some of them might have called you nuts. Remember that an individual has the capacity to bring a transformation to the world and civilizations. The bureaucrats on the other hand are incapable of doing this. Instead they mislead people to move in the wrong direction. Never be afraid to be labeled crazy but honor it. This indicates that others are of the view that you are an independent thinker and stay away from following the crowd. In fact they know very little that have dignified your status to a person of great worth or a change maker. You belong to a much higher breed unlike the masses who are in fact irrelevant. Being crazy implies that you are an innovator and like to experiment with things. Once the masses realize your ultimate worth, they will surround you to find a scheme or build ideas. This is because you alone have the potential to think of magnificent ideas which seems to others as something impossible. Thos who express their “silly willies” outwardly are a bit saner. Sometimes they make look like crackbrained, but a little bit of battiness is considered to be healthy. You should avoid things from bottling up inside your head or else it may be too difficult for you to bear later. So once in a while learn to vent your thoughts. It doesn’t matter if you are labeled crazy. At least you’ll be happy and much saner.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 22:33:10 +0000

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