According to Obama, everyone has the “right” to health care. - TopicsExpress


According to Obama, everyone has the “right” to health care. However, no part of the Constitution provides that right. In his August 17, 2013, weekly address, he states that “Republicans and tyrants” who protest this law are threatening to close down the government unless they get their wish to cancel this law or amend it. This president has already privately violated the civil rights via one Executive Order or another of potentially thousands of its citizens who exercise their right to protest against the government, yet Obama states that these politicians who don’t answer constituents’ questions about the law aren’t very responsible to their constituents, “…are they?” When Obama first introduced the Affordable Health Care Act, he specifically stated that the insurance industry threw its complete and emphatic endorsement behind it. That fact is not disputed. However, one must ask ”Why wouldn’t they? They stand to gain millions of dollars in mandatory premiums that they currently don’t have access to?” The president accuses Republicans (and don’t forget those tyrants he mentioned) of all but conspiring to ruin the economy by not making business owners pay for health insurance for his employees who work more hours per week than considered part time. The administration refuses to believe that business owners may not be able to afford medical insurance, and if required to purchase and pay premiums, businesses could and will fail. Now, Mr. President, we must ask, ”If your inherent responsibility as stated a few moments into your is, indeed, to ‘strengthen the economy, create more jobs,’ et cetera, what good does it do society and the unemployment figures, in other words, the job market, when the people who earn income now but agreed to earn that without a health insurance benefit, will be either forced to accept reduced hours to under the minimum limit outlined or laid off completely or quit to pursue other employment when the business owner protects the finances of the business to prevent its closure, or it closes anyway?” Whether people agree or disagree, it’s irrelevant and completely unfair, if not outright negligent, of this administration to force businesses and individuals to spend money under the auspice of “rights” that the Constitution does not provide.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 17:06:26 +0000

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