According to United Nation, A weak national health system can be - TopicsExpress


According to United Nation, A weak national health system can be viewed as an important contributor to poverty and inequity in the African Region. Persons who are in poor health less frequently move up and more frequently move down the social ladder than healthy persons. The role of the health system becomes particularly relevant through the issue of access to preventive and curative health services. The health system can directly address inequities not only by improving equitable access to care, but also in the promotion of intersectoral action to improve health status. The health system is also capable of ensuring that health problems do not lead to a further deterioration of peoples social status and of facilitating sick peoples social reintegration. I Continue to asked the President of Sierra Leone President Ernest Bai Koroma to adopt the kind of Healthcare Service in Rwanda or Sudan. Sierra Leonean will be happy enough if such things is introduced and plan to ensure everyone Benefit in the Nation. I never dislike the APC and I think this Suggestion I Continue to Lay down is the best and only things now to adopt for our People to have faith in the Health System. Over the last decade in Rwanda, deaths from HIV, TB, and malaria dropped by 80 percent, maternal mortality dropped by 60 percent, life expectancy doubled -- all at an average health care cost of $55 per person per year. Yet life expectancy at birth in Rwanda has increased from 48 to 58 - in the last 10 years. Deaths of children under 5 have dropped by half in five years; malaria deaths have dropped by roughly two-thirds. Of all countries in Africa Rwanda is probably getting the closest to having health for all, health access for all In Moldova, he government has made the rehabilitation of primary healthcare facilities a priority, underlined Viorel Soltan, Deputy Minister of Health. Coscodeni has a newly built and equipped clinic, housing physicians as well as an ophthalmologist, pediatrician, and dentist. The physicians are local; the specialists travel to the community a few times a week. Coscodenis residents appreciate not having to travel to the county seat for medical care. It is much better today, said Vasile Banari, Chief Medical Officer at the Coscodeni Primary Health Care Center. People are very pleased with the fact that they have a health center in the village. We serve smaller villages in the area as well. Improving Moldovas primary health care system is only part of the solution. There are too many hospitals and hospital beds in an inefficient secondary health care system. In-patient facilities and hospitals have not been upgraded, renovated or re-equipped in decades, because of lack of funds. the World Bank is helping the Ministry of Health and the National Republican Hospital identify potential public-private partnerships that are upgrading the countrys public hospital system step-by-step so that quality is gradually becoming a norm and not a luxury. I have devote myself to write about Universal Health care for all Sierra Leone until its implemented. Am not doing this because of Politics and I have no Plan to ever enter a Political race to seek office. I do this because I loved Sierra Leone than any other nation in the World. We grow to love our country and bear always affection and admiration for it. This beautiful feeling we have towards our own country is a motivation for us to serve it well and be keen to attend to its interests. People, therefore, should work and pray towards the well-being of the Sierra Leonean Population.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 22:04:33 +0000

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