According to What I heard Min. Farrakhan say: and that is The very - TopicsExpress


According to What I heard Min. Farrakhan say: and that is The very Nature of the whites are inherently Evil!! In other words, he repeats what Elijah Muhammad once says in his teachings, is that the White Race are a Race of Devils!!! now if this was being said about blacks today and how the way were behaving toward one another, then Sharpton, Jesse and the rest would be protesting and everything, but because a black man says it, it seems as if this is Ok, Now do this make Farrakhan a Racist for stating this statement, or is he right!! I Think that Farrakhan or rather the Nation Of Islam isnt the first to come up with this type of ideology, because if it was the Europeans, who came up with, when they landed on the continent of Africa, According to Cromwell, he said that they referred to the Natives, as these are the Africans, meaning using a term that put them all in a collective box, the Africans had and even until this day, never used the term we are all Africans and we are all one, No!! the Ashanti dont identify with the Yurobo, and they are neighboring tribes, neither do the Nigerians, identify with the angolians, they have differences and customs and traditions that are not the same, it has nothing to do with skin color, but cultural, now in the turn of the century, white people would say that white cake is angel cake, and chocolate cake is devils food, it was also stated that when you get expelled from college, its called black balled, when the stock market crashed it was black Monday, this is white racism being pertetrated on blacks, by prevailing that everything that seems black were evil, that is why I had to use this as an analogy to say its nothing new, and also to say that, Farrakhan is wrong to judge people based on the color of ones own skin, which says that this idea, isnt new, if you want to be different, come up with an original thought, not one that has been used once before, we today black people are making the same mistakes that southern whites once did, making an assumption, that all black people are the same, just because we share the same color, but it was Martin Luther King who stated judge me by the content of my character rather than the color of my skin, and in so many words those Africans are and were saying the same thing, when they are saying this tribe is not that tribe, and that tribe isnt like the tribe next door, ect!!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 20:54:32 +0000

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