According to an unscientific study conducted on this page, roughly - TopicsExpress


According to an unscientific study conducted on this page, roughly 85% of Christians would not vote for a Republican Candidate who supported gay marriage. If this happens in 2016, and 85% of born-again Christians would not vote for that candidate, this would ensure a democratic ticket election. I honestly dont foresee another republican president in our lifetime. This nation is veering to the left, immorality is increasing and the democrats are buying up votes with all the borrowed money they can steal. What would this mean if democrats continue to win the presidency? More baby murder. Unconstitutional executive orders. Continued border crisis. Liberal supreme court justice appointees. Unfettered national debt. Increased world crisis. Gay marriage advancement at a faster pace. Socialism. Further erosion of religious freedom. Indoctrination of LGBT rights. And you dont think persecution of Christians will come to this country in the coming generations? Now is the time to get ready for the coming suffering. Your children and grandchildren, if the Lord lets this earth spin, are going to suffer greatly for their faith. What are you daily doing to prepare them for those trails of testing? Whether or not your agree with homeschooling, this is one of the reasons why we homeschool. Advanced discipleship. Sharpening those arrows, making sure they remain counter cultural, salt and light in this wicked and evil generation. Saints, persecution is coming to a true Biblical church near you. Those Christians who refuse to compromise with culture, are going to suffer dearly for their faith. Get ready. And please dont think we are all just going to get raptured out before things get too bad. You will not find that anywhere in the Bible, Christians, are not guaranteed a free pass from suffering.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 13:30:00 +0000

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