According to one book, my birthday indicates I am a Queen of - TopicsExpress


According to one book, my birthday indicates I am a Queen of Clubs: As the Queen reigning over the Clubs suit, these people usually enjoy work that involves application of the mind: communications, organizing or, on the spiritual spectrum, intuitive and psychic work. A quick study, the Queen of Clubs truly enjoys being well informed on any topic of their choosing. As a result, they often prefer to direct according to their own authority on a subject rather than follow another. Consequently, this card gravitates toward being the boss or self-employed. Found in the Mars and Mercury position in the Master Life Script, the communication style of the Queen of Clubs can be rather convincing if not outright aggressive. With a sharp mind can come a sharp tongue. Their ability to assess quickly can result in impatience with others who are indecisive. They are honest and outspoken leaving others knowing exactly where they stand. Their Ace of Spades card in Jupiter helps them to zero in on a good opportunity or two that, through their hard work and determination, proves to be beneficial. Often the recipient of guidance, they are extremely creative, and when they follow their hunches, are usually quite successful. Their Challenging Karma Card (-KC), the Three of Hearts, indicates that beneath all this authority is a gentle heart, sensitive and kind. Relationships may bring up feelings of uncertainty or indecision, further indicated by their Five of Clubs in Venus. Learning to balance the home life with their career may be a pivot point for the Queen of Clubs. They are always aware of their royal status and often take charge of whatever they’re doing rather than meekly following another leader. Meek is not in their makeup. They can be driven, often balancing two jobs at once, and are happiest when able to contribute to a greater cause. Caution is advised if they find the urge to evaluate harshly. Some of the Queen of Clubs Issues Concerning Relationships Though many Queen of Clubs get married, not all of them are happy about it or make a success of it. These people have powerful minds and wills and not many partners can handle them and their willful ways. They also carry with them the karmic seeds for one or more difficult relationships that will be brought into fruition at some point in their life. For this reason, many of them try marriage once and then renounce it for the rest of their life. Some of them change their mind a lot about what they want as well. This can make their partners feel very insecure about their love and thus create separation. They operate on higher frequencies and thus their partner must have some mental ability and communications skills to make it work. There is a certain amount of indecision emotionally as well that adds to the challenges they have to deal with each time they fall in love. One of their biggest challenges is to let their loved ones be themselves without trying to change them. Letting go of personal attachments can be difficult for someone who shies away from the feeling side of their natures. Im best fit with a Jack of Diamonds: 1/16, 2/14, 3/12, 4/10, 5/8, 6/6, 7/4, & 8/2 Like all Jacks in the deck, the Jack of Diamonds is young at heart, playful and social with a nimble mind. Whether promoting themselves, selling goods and services, or bartering, Jack of Diamonds people know how to make connections and close the deal. They have the ability to wheel and deal their way through life. The Eight of Hearts in Jupiter in their life’s script suggests mixing business with pleasure – a Jack feature that certainly makes life more fun. There’s a social ease with the Jack of Diamonds that can make them a welcome addition, or focal point, of any business dinner or networking event. With the Four of Hearts in Mercury, they may express themselves from the heart; however, all Jacks can be slippery and wily. For this Jack, the Six of Clubs in Saturn says the karma for dishonesty is swiftly and justly dealt. Coupled with the Six of Spades in Uranus, they are encouraged to live in integrity, or else suffer the consequences. Neptune holds the Queen of Hearts in a very special way with this card. Not only does this Queen of love occupy the Neptune spot in the Jack of Diamonds life script, it also holds the Neptune/Neptune position in the Master Life Script as well. This indicates a robust fantasy life or idealized lover. While their Four of Diamonds in Venus says they value relationships and home life, the heavy Neptune influence suggests this value may be unrealistic. It’s not uncommon for the Jack of Diamonds to play the field for quite a while in search of a perfect lover. Their best match is the Queen of Clubs. A spirit of independence arises from an innate connection to inner guidance allowing Jack of Diamonds people to follow their instincts and make the most of opportunities.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 22:50:07 +0000

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