According to the Bible, 666 is an evil number, and represents the - TopicsExpress


According to the Bible, 666 is an evil number, and represents the beast, or the anti-Christ. But to Muslims, this is a holy number.Which interpretation do you choose? - Rev 13:18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count thenumber of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is]Six hundred threescore [and] six. The beast and the fierce ruler: I have seen people get excited over this, and do numerology studies on the Bible and every public personality, trying to determine who the beast is.Daniel made it clear that thebeast was actually a kingdom, headed by a fierce ruler: Dan 7:23Thus he said,The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdomupon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, andshall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. ***note: some people think this is the USA, but the USA is not “devouring the entire earth.”Look at what group is spreading around the world, causing destruction in every country, and it will not be the USA.The USA is a democracy, not a kingdom. Daniel and Revelation make it clear that is of ancient Grecian origin (Daniel 7, Rev 13). Daniel 8:23 And in the latter time oftheir kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full,a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. Daniel 8:24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. Daniel 8:25 Andthrough his policyalso he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart , andbypeace shall destroy many: Notice that the ruler claims to be a man of peace, but his peace is destructive. So, the number of the beast (antichrist kingdom) is the number of a man (666), also called the little horn: Daniel 8:9 And out of one of them came fortha little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land(Israel). The number 666 in the Bible Recall that the New Testament is written in Greek, so when we examine the number 666, we cannot use Hebrew, or English alphabets and numbers.We have to look at the Greek. What does the Greek look like?This is 666 in Greek: I do not see this very clearly, but apparently if one looks at χξς which is Greek for666, and turns it sideways, one sees what is translated as “Bismillah,” or “in the name of Allah.”Look below at the script in gold, not the round object.Focus on the UUU part.Muslims will recognize this right away, because it is also Arabic. Additionally, crossed swords ( X ) are a symbol for Islam. So in 666 we may find both “Islam” and “in the name of Allah”. Islam and the number 666 It is interesting to know that manyMuslims believe the number “666” to be a holy number.They also believe that the number19 is holyas well. In knowing this I am not surprised that thenumber of terroristthat destroyed theWorldTrade Centerwas 19. They are called by many in Islam “the magnificent 19″.The number “666” is believed to represent the Quran and the Prophet Mohammed. The number “666” could very easily be identified by our Lord as the number of a man, since it is a man made doctrine and a man made book, referring to its author Mohammed. Those in Islam that believe in the number “666” and its purity believe that Satan used Christians to pervert the Bible. They believe that the book of Revelation was inspired by Satanand that he used the number “666” as a bad number in order to prevent Christian people from accepting the Quran and the teachings of Mohammed because of fear. From the Bible view, it is easy to see the Muslims wearing this number between their eyes, on their foreheads to proclaim their faith in Allah.The markcould also be symbolic, instead of literal, torepresent the mind of Islam. So, “666” is here. If 666 is a physical mark, to be worn on the believer in Islam, then anyone who refuses to take the number (accept Islam) will be considered not to be a true believer in Allah and Mohamed.As they conquer other people they will enforce this mark to guarantee support from those that they allow to live
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 14:44:18 +0000

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