According to the Obama administration, guns, any and all, are a - TopicsExpress


According to the Obama administration, guns, any and all, are a public safety issue that needs to be addressed which means any legislation will ultimately end in confiscation. Their stance on guns is based on faulty logic that has failed to gain widespread momentum. However, instead of recognizing the right to bear arms as inalienable, this administration seems determined to find other ways to skin the Second Amendment cat. Guns, according to Obama’s political ally and nominee for Surgeon General, are a health care issue. Dr. Vivek Hallegere Murthy, president and founder of Doctors for America, considers gun ownership a public health issue instead of a God-given right that shall not be infringed and advocates for doctors questioning their patients about gun ownership/possession. In order to bolster his stance on guns, Murthy believes more taxpayer funded research is needed to prove that fewer guns means a lower crime rate, despite the fact that numerous reputable research studies have concluded the opposite.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 19:02:40 +0000

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