According to the SPLC, there are nearly a thousand hate groups in - TopicsExpress


According to the SPLC, there are nearly a thousand hate groups in the USA. I was wondering why they dont include Islamic extremist groups on their list, which is why I wrote the following letter this past week. November 11, 2014 Southern Poverty Law Center 400 Washington Avenue PO Box 548 Montgomery AL 36177-9621 Americans motivated by radical interpretations of Islam constitute a growing and increasingly dangerous domestic terror threat. Since the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks, approximately 200 Americans have been charged for their roles in various bomb plots and conspiracies in the U.S., as well as for providing material support to Islamic terrorist groups. The following are just a few of the many examples of hate crimes against humanity in general, and against courageous, honorable Americans in particular. 1. On November 5, 2009, a gunman named Nidal Malik Hasan, 39, an Army psychiatrist born in Virginia, opened fire at the Fort Hood soldier readiness center where troops were undergoing medical preparations before being deployed to Iraq or as they returned from combat. Motivated by Islam, Hasan murdered 13 and wounded 32. 2. The April 2013 bombing of the Boston Marathon, which killed three people and injured some 264 others, was motivated by hate. Two brothers, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who held Islamist extremist beliefs, carried out the bombing. They learned the techniques for the homemade pressure cooker bombers from an al Qaeda linked magazine. 3. On June 25, 2014, Brendan Tevlin, 19, was murdered by Ali Muhammad Brown, a Muslim terrorist. Brown told authorities that murdering Brendan was a “just kill.” He was seeking vengeance for Muslim deaths in “Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan.” Incidentally, Brown murdered three other men earlier this year. Police have issued bulletins to determine if there are more victims of his terrorist plot. Mainstream media have buried this story, either because it was Black on White crime or acts of Islamic extremism. 4. On September 24, 2014, Alton Nolan, a recent convert to Islam, attacked two female employees at a food processing plant in Moore, Oklahoma with a knife. Colleen Hufford was beheaded, while another employee, Traci Johnson, was stabbed and critically injured. Alton Nolen had Arabic tattoos, advocated the stoning of women, and shouted Islamic phrases while committing these horrendous acts. In the days leading up to this terrorist act, Nolen was trying to convert his coworkers, which lead up to the hate crime. This was NOT just your typical disgruntled fired employee! Violent Islamic terrorism was part and parcel of the Fort Hood killings, the Boston Marathon, and Brendan Tevelin from NJ (along with three other men from WA State), and the attack against two women (one of them beheaded) in the workplace. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stated, Home-based terrorism is here. And, like violent extremism abroad, it will be part of the threat picture that we must now confront. Many Mosques in America are breeding grounds of hate and terrorism. I will resume my contributions to the SPLC when it decides to include radical Islamic extremists (as cited above among many examples). Surely, you have a map illustrating Mosques that preach Jihad, Sharia Law, or Islamic extremism against infidels, women, GLBT, and western freedoms. Islam in historical and contemporary practice is a religion of exclusion and hate. Is there any reason why this hate group is not watched by SPLC?
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 16:12:46 +0000

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