According to the architects of the sustained Physio-psychological - TopicsExpress


According to the architects of the sustained Physio-psychological attack G. As the name implies, Jaming involves the insertion into the engine of a pre-exsisting, incompatible emotional response, gridlocking its mechanism as thoroughly as though one had sprinkled fine sand into the workings of an old fashion pocket watch. Jamming, as an approach, is more active and aggressive than Desensitization; by the same token, it is also more enjoyable and heartening. Jamming makes use of the rules of Associative Conditioning ( the psychological process whereby, when two things are repeatedly juxtaposed, ones feelings about one thing are transferred to the other) and DIRECT EMOTIONAL MODELING ( the inborn tendency of human beings to feel what they perceive others to be feeling). Turning ASSOCIATIVE CONDITIONING and DIRECT EMOTIONAL MODELING against themselves, we Jam by forging a fresh link between, on the one hand, some part of the mechanism,and, on the other, a pre-existing, external,opposed, and therefore incompatible emotional response. Ideally, the bigot subjected to such counterconditiong will ultimately experience two emotionsl responses to the hated object, opposed and competing. The consequent internal confusion has two effect: FIRST, it is unpleasant- we can call it EMOTIONAL DISSONANCE, after Festinger- and will tend to result in an alteration of previous beliefs and feelings and feelings so as to resolve the internal conflict. SECOND, even where an opyimal resolution does not occur, the internal DISSONANCE will tend to inhibit overt expression of the prejudicial emotion- which isd, in itself, useful and relieving. All normal people feel SHAME when they percieve that they are not thinking, feeling, or acting like one of the pack. The trick is to get the bigot into the POSITION OF FEELING A CONFLICTING TWINGE OF SHAME, ALONG WITH HIS REWARD, WHENEVER HIS HOMOHATRED SURFACES, SO THAT HIS REWARD WILL BE DILURED OR SPOILED. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, all making use of repeated exposure to pictoriasl images or verbal statements that are incompastible with his SELF-IMASGE as well as a well-liked person, one who fits in with the crowd. Thus, PROPAGANDISTIC ADVERTISEMENT CAN DEPICT HOMOPHOBIC AND HOMOHATING BIGOTS AS CRUDE LOUDMOUTHS AND ASSHOLES- PEOPLE WHO SAY NOT ONLY FAGGOT BUT NIGGER, KIKE AND OTHER SHAMEFUL EPITHETS- WHO ARE NOT CHRISTIANS.It can depict Gays experiencing horrific suffering as a direct result of Homohatred - suffering of which most bigots would be ashamed to be the cause. It can in short link homohating bigotry with all sorts of attributes the bigot would be ashamed to possess, and with ASOCIAL CONSEQUENCES he would find unpleaseant and SCARY. THE ATTACK, THEREFORE, IS ON SELF-IMAGE AND ON THE PLEASURE IN HATING wHEN OUR ADS SHOW A BIGOT-JUST LIKE MEMBERS OF THE TARGET AUDIENCE- BEING CRITICIZED, HATED, AND SHUNNED, WE MAKE USE OF DIRECT EMOTIONAL MODELING AS WELL. REMEMBER, A BIGOT SEEKS APPROVAL AND LIKING FROM HISCROWD,. WHEN HE SEES SOMEONE LIKE HIMSELF BEING DISAPPROVED OF AND DISLIKED BY ORDINARY JOES, DIRECT EMOTIONAL MODELING ENSURES THAT HE WILL FEEL JUST WHAT THEY FEEL- AND TRANSFER IT TO HIMSELF Stay Tuned for Principle # of the 3 STEP PROCESS, SHOTS FIRED!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 22:59:15 +0000

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