According to the majority criteria for citing the moon for the - TopicsExpress


According to the majority criteria for citing the moon for the beginning of the month it is 10th Muharram today in the UK - yawm-ul-^aashoorah. A number of matters are narrated about the merit and grandeur of this day and amongst its benefits for us is to fast on it for the sake of Allaah hoping by that for His acceptance and the reward of forgiveness of your sins of the past year. The guaranteed forgiveness is through repentance. And we know the integrals of repentence include amongst other details: 1. Stop the sin 2. Intend never to do it again 3. Regret in having disobeyed Allaah 4. Fulfilling the rights due as a result of sin eg making up missed prayers or returning stolen goods Today is associated with great events that occured to our ^ummah and the ^ummahs before us fir example in relation to The Muslims in the time of Prophet Moosaa. They were saved from pharoah and pharaohs army. As you know the jews were commemorating this by fasting and The Prophet asked them why they were fasting. The jews replied for reasons as above. The Prophet sallallaahu ^alaihi wa sallam indicated that we Muslims have greater right and closeness to Prophet Moosaa and the Muslims of the time. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: The jews did not teach The Prophet and neither was their testimony about the events a source of knowledge for The Prophet or Muslims. It was revealed to The Prophet what the truth is about this day and The Prophet desired to fast it. And he intended to fast the day before it too to emphasise that we are not imitating, copying or learning from the kuffaar. In addition there are at least two events in the history of this ummah which further connect our hearts to this day. 1. On the 10th of Muharram in the year 5 H, the Battle of Dhatul-riqa^ took place. In this battle, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, prayed the Prayer of Fear (Salatul-Khawf ). It was mentioned that this expedition was against fitnah from the najd (a situation we face again!!) It was mentioned that the companion abu musa al^ash^ari and others were with The Prophet and walked harsh terrain with great difficulty such that even the nails came out of his (abu musas) feet and many of them tied rags to their feet to soothe and cushion the pain. It is also mentioned that during this campaign abbad bin bishr was struck with an arrow whilst in prayer and he simply pulled it out without breaking his prayer and a further three arrows one after the other from the enemy who tried to make him flinch. Abbad did not break his prayer and after praying he sought help from Ammar ibn yaasir who said to him why didnt you call out to which abbad said I did not want to disrespect the prayer nor the chapter I was reciting by stopping in the middle. ...nowadays if someone did that most people would call him extremist or silly. SubHaanAllaah. may Allaah grant us this kind of devotion because whats the worse that could happen? Nothing because even death in that situation would take you to Paradise inshaa Allaah The second great event for this ummah is that on the 10th of Muharram in year 61 H, our Master Al-Husayn (the Prophets grandson), may Allah raise his rank, was killed in Karbala along with many members of his family and his women disrespectfully treated and paraded. The holy family was made to remain thirsty and when al husayn pleaded by holding his baby son to the army the enemy shot an arrow at the baby and killed him. This incident was a massacre of a family seeking to address injustice which was gripping the Muslim lands. Al Husayn and his family were trapped by the tyrant army. It was mentioned that The Prophet gave some soil to his wive Umm Salama to safe keep. This soil was given by an Angel and he was told it was from the land where Husayn would be unjustly killed. It was said that when the martyrdom occurred, Umm Salama who was not present knew it happened because the soil she had turned into blood. At-Tirmidhiyy related that the Prophet sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam said: “Husayn is from me and I’m from Husayn.” This means that: “My love to him is full and so is his love to me, and my affection towards him is full and so is his affection towards me.” Al-Hakim related that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam said: “He who loves me then let him love al-Husayn.” Adh-Dhahabiyy related in the biographies and others from the route of ^Amarah Ibn Zadhan, from the route of Thabit that Anas said: “The Angel of rain Mika’il asked the permission of the Prophet sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam to be with him alone. The Prophet said: “O Umm Salamah keep the door shut on us.” Then al-Husayn came and made his way through the door and started to jump on the Prophet and the Messenger of Allah was kissing him. The Angel said: “Do you love him?” He said: “Yes”. The Angel then said: “some from your nation would kill him, and if you want I will show you the spot where he will be killed in.” The Prophet sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam said: “Yes.” The Angel brought some red soil. Thabit said: “We used to say that it is Karbala’ (in Iraq). al-Husayn was defending from the right and the left. Soon Zur^ah Ibn Sharik hit his left hand, another one hit his shoulder; Sinan Ibn Anas stabbed him with a spear which made him fall off his horse to the ground. Shumar Ibn Dhi al-Jushan got down and chopped his head off. They found later that he was stabbed thirty three times and was hit thirty four times, he was 56 years old when he died; some said that he was 58. To love the Prophet and love who and what he loved in an obligation upon us. Among what was said after the death of al-Husayn that Abu Janab al-Kalbiyy said: “I went to Karbala’ and said to a man from the Arab nobles: “I heard that you hear the lamenting of Jinn.” He said: “You will never meet a free or a slave person who will not tell you that he heard that.” I said: “What did you hear?” He answered him with this poem: The Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam wiped his forehead which brightened on the cheeks. His parents are among the high ranked ones of Quraysh and his grandfather is the best grandfather. Nowadays the shia claim to be lovers of ahlul bayt but they in general have always done ahlul bayt a disservice. Nowadays the remembering of al husayn is monopolised by shias and their misguided practices and many sunnis do not even know about what happened. Do not let shias be the ones associated with al husayn. We have that right over them. Similar to when The Prophet mentioned our right over the jews. Adh-Dhabiyy mentioned in the biographies that as-Suddiyy said: “I came to Karbala’ as a tradesman. An old man from Taiyy made dinner for us, during the dinner we mentioned the story of the death of al-Husayn. I said: “No one who has ever taken part in his killing and escaped dying in a bad way.” He said: “What great liars you are? I’m one of those who took part in his killing.” Before we left the man approached a lighted-wick as it was soaked with fuel. He started to pull the wick with his finger causing it to catch fire. As he attempted to put it off with his saliva, his beard caught fire. He ran away and threw himself in the water. When I looked at him, he was as a lava.” We ask Allaah to endow his mercy on Master al-Husayn and reward his deeds and make us with him and with our beloved Prophet sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam in Paradise. And all praise be to Allaah. There are many such narrations about the curse on the haters and opponants of Ahlul Bayt. The Prophet mentioned about Imam Ali that three types of people with emerge regarding their stance on him and only one is truthful. one group are those who go in extremes claiming to love him. And some of them will commit kufr by that as happened to christians with regard to their wrong beliefs about ^Isaa Another group will take him as an enemy and curse him and his family (one line of which is The Prophets own family eg Hasan and Husayn). It might be said this is like the jews who made enemies of pious ones. And the correct group are those who love him as he should be and follow and honour him. And this is us The Muslims of Ahlus-sunnah. We are them. May Allaah Protect us.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 08:12:15 +0000

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