According to the teachings of the mystic adepts, there are seven - TopicsExpress


According to the teachings of the mystic adepts, there are seven cosmic islands and nine immense divisions in our universe of universes. These divisions, Mansions in the Fathers House, maybe conveniently divided into four Grand Divisions of the cosmic scheme of creation: 1. The purely spiritual region; 2. The spirito-material region; 3. The materio-spiritual region. 4. The material region. The mystic adepts inform us that the exploration of the inner realms (consisting of the first three Grand Divisions) is the heritage of each soul, and if we do not go within and traverse these regions the fault is ours. Kabir, the poet-saint of India, probably described these regions most completely in his writings, but they have also been described by Guru Nanak, the first guru of the Sikh religion, Swami Ji and Baba Jaimal Singh Ji, two supreme mystic adepts of the nineteenth century, and, in the present century, by Baba Sawan Singh Ji and his spiritual successor, Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj. The third and lowest inner the materio-spiritual region, is the nearest Grand Division to that of the physical universe. The central power-source of this materio-spiritual region is known the oriental terminology as Sahans dal Kanwal (Lotus of a Thousand Petals),and it is from this power-source that the entire physical universe derives its motor energies. This third materio-spiritual region is also known as the astral plane in western occult literature and in theosophical writings. The time-scale in the astral region is shorter than that in the second spirito-material region, but it is in the Astral realms still much longer than that in the physical universe. The astral realm, up to and including the region of universal mind, goes into dissolution at the end of a lesser cosmic life-cycle, which lasts for many millions of years. The heavens of most of the world religions are located in this region. Here can be found the Heaven of Christianity, the Paradise of Islam, and the Swargas of Hinduism. These heavens are very beautiful, but they themselves are subject to eventual dissolution. The commencement of the mystical Path of Love, the way of return to our true home, takes place in the fourth and lowest division of creation, which comprises the entirety of our physical universe: all the planets, suns, stars, solar systems, galaxies and cosmic schemes known and unknown to modern astronomy. Matter in our physical universe is in its most coarse, most dense form, with a very limited admixture of spirit substance, just enough to vivify matter and maintain life. The physical structure of our universe is the lowest projection of a cosmic idea channeled through the medium of universal mind. The entire physical universe, with its millions of galaxies, separated by immeasurable numbers of light-years, is as a speck of dust in comparison with the inner realms beyond it. The beginning of the mystical Path of Love takes place within the human consciousness, when the aspirant has focused his attention at the third-eye center, between and behind the two eye-brows. The third eye possesses its own illumination, being vivified by the light of the soul, and thus is not dependent upon external forms of light as our physical eyes are. Through the grace of a mystic adept the aspirant has been given a simple technique to transcend body-consciousness and to rise into the inner realms. First, he closes his outer eyes and sees with the inner third eye. He also closes his outer ears and hears with the inner spiritual ear. When these things are achieved, the current of consciousness throughout the body will withdraw and become concentrated at the third-eye center. The body itself will become senseless, but the aspirants awareness of his soul, his true self, will thereby be heightened. This is the initial stage of what the mystic adepts call turiya pad, the fourth state of existence, which is the state of transcendental or super consciousness. The disciple of the mystic adept has previously been given a Simran (repetition practice) of five charged words as the first step for rising into the spiritual realms. He collects the entire current of consciousness - mind and soul – at the third-eye center, and the repetition of the five holy words mentally helps him to achieve the required result, and he finds his consciousness withdrawing from the physical world. His first view of the astral region may differ on occasions. He may behold a magnificent blue eye, a brilliantly lighted window, or a blaze of radiance before him. He passes through this way of light and sees a colored symmetry, with a bright astral point of light within its center. The initiate then meditates upon this glorious light and soon finds himself impelled into an azure blue sky that appears to his inner vision as a circular disc or a chakra. Through the loving grace and protection of the mystic adept, the devotee may bypass the lower astral levels; although sometimes these are revealed to him for his own instruction. The lowest astral level is a place of unbridled desires, a true infernal region, where unregenerate and bestial people gravitate to after death. In these dark and terrible surroundings, evil entities reap the harvest of their wicked deeds on earth. This is not the eternal hell of the scriptures [no hell is ever eternal, according to the Masters],but a place of correction and eventual release, there are other levels, gradually improving in environment, on this lower astral plane; some are extremely pleasant, with wonderful scenery and inns of rest for ordinary people who are awaiting reincarnation upon earth. The aspirant, having quickly transcended these lower levels, finds himself travelling through a truly astral region, studded with stars and glowing suns. He hears the Sound Current as an unending melody and, ascending through the stellar sky, he passes through a Sun and Moon, which appear to dissolve or shatter as he passes through them. These stellar bodies are not like the physical stars, planets and satellites with which we are familiar in our physical universe, but spheres that are far more luminous and refulgent than our physical luminaries. Taken from: The Inner Journey of the Soul back to its Origin-Sant Satguru Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 15:07:33 +0000

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