According to this article, abuses of dairy animals are common and - TopicsExpress


According to this article, abuses of dairy animals are common and in some cases legal....its upto you to think about milk and its benefits. According to latest study, Almond milk has more nutritional value then milk, guaranteed to not activate your allergies................. hank you for contacting PETA about Mercy for Animals’ (MFA) investigation of E6 Cattle Co., which provides calves to dairy farms ( Abuses like those shown in MFA’s footage are common in the dairy industry. PETA’s five-month 2009 investigation of Reitz Dairy Farm, a filthy Pennsylvania factory farm that supplies milk to Land O’Lakes, the largest butter brand in the U.S., revealed abuse and neglect of cows and calves that violate anti-cruelty laws as well as health and sanitation laws. PETA’s investigator documented that cows were kicked, electro-shocked, and jabbed with a blade when they had trouble standing and walking; that workers were told to “amputate” cows’ infected teats with elastic bands; and that cows and calves were kept in pens and barns whose floors were covered with deep excrement, which caused foot and hoof problems and fostered disease. In 2012, a PETA investigator worked in the massive cow sheds of Adirondack Farms, a Clinton County, N.Y., dairy factory farm that takes 180,000 pounds of milk from roughly 1,800 cows every day. Our investigator found that cows were hit and jabbed with poles and canes, electro-shocked on the face, denied care for bloody vaginal prolapses for months, and more. Calves at this farm were subjected to the dairy industry’s standard cruelties, including having their heads burned to stop their horns from growing—with no pain relief—and tail-docking. When these cows produced less than 90 pounds of milk a day (cows naturally would produce about 16 pounds of milk a day for a calf), they were prodded onto cold metal trailers for stressful, hours-long transport, often through sub-zero temperatures, to be “beefed,” or slaughtered. Please go to to see our video footage and to take action. Unbelievably, most institutionalized cruelty to animals like this is entirely legal. Although there are regulations in place to protect some animals who are used for food, they simply don’t go far enough and—quite often—aren’t abided by. PETA and other animal advocacy groups continue to work for stronger regulations and to demand stricter enforcement of the laws that do exist. Our best hope is to keep documenting the cruelty, showing government officials and the public what atrocities occur, and then working to try to stop them. PETA does this through cruelty investigations, research, public education, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns. For information about our work and victories, please visit More than 41 million cows suffer and die for their flesh and milk in the U.S. every year ( You can help reduce the amount of suffering right away simply by removing meat and dairy products from your diet. With all the great alternatives that are available today, it’s easy to avoid dairy products completely. Please call 1-888-VEG-FOOD or visit to order our free vegan starter kit, which is packed full of tips and dairy-free recipes, and visit for a list of our favorite dairy alternatives. The suffering caused by the meat, dairy, and egg industries becomes even harder to justify when one realizes that humans do not need to eat animal products. In fact, we’re healthier if we don’t. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association), vegetarians are less prone to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity than meat-eaters are. Since we have so many delicious vegan options available these days, there’s simply no excuse for continuing to raise and slaughter animals for food. To read more about the dairy industry’s cruel practices, please go to For information on why “free-range” and “organic” animal products are also cruel, please go to The only truly humane option is to choose alternatives to animal products. If you are already vegan, please go to to learn how you can share your compassionate choice with others. To make a donation in support of PETA’s campaigns, please visit Thanks again for writing and for your concern for animals. Sincerely, Michael Sisson Membership Correspondent PETA Foundation
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 03:47:27 +0000

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