According to vyAsAcharya Brahman is both sAvayvam & nirvayavam. - TopicsExpress


According to vyAsAcharya Brahman is both sAvayvam & nirvayavam. mAyA or shakti is an integral part of Brahman otherwise it is called prakriti which is an integral part of Brahman. According to sAmkhyA philosophy prakriti or mAyA or shakti is an independent entity from Brahman but, according to vedAnta it is an integral part of Brhaman. Therefore, Brahman is sAvayvam and it is the prakriti ansha or mAyA part of Brahman that is undergoing a change to become the entire creation. Prakritim purusham chaiva viddhyanadi ubhav api, vikarams cha gunams chaiva viddhi prakriti-sambhavan (13.19) All the panchbhutam, panchbhootika prapancha, sthool sharira & suksham sharira including ahankAra they are all modifications of the prakriti ansha or the achetan ansha of Brahman. Even after this partial modification of Brahman and even after the arrival of jeeva-jagat the chetan ansha of Brahman continues to be the same which is still available for knowing and freeing oneself. Thus, with the help of this sAvayavam brahma which is otherwise called Ishvara in the shastram we can explain shrisTi, sThiti, laya, bandha, mokShaH, sAdhana etc.. pAdo sya vishvA bhUtAni | tripAdasyAmRtam divi || (purusha sooktam) vistabhya aham idam krtsnam ekamsena sthito jagat [Bg. 10.42] Brahman is nirvayavam also. We have support for this from many upanishad. hiranmaye pare koshe virajam brahma nishkalam (Mu Up.) Therefore, the question arises How can one Brahman be both sAvyavatavam & nirvayavam? virodhadharmyoho katham ekasmin dharmini samaveshaH? That is why we say the sAvyavatavam of Brahman is vyAvAhArika satyam of lower order of reality. So mAyA which is part of Brahman is not as real as Brahman therefore, mAyA is vyAvahArika satyam or to put in another language mithyA. If the word mithyA disturbs the mind we can put it as vyAvahArika satyam. sankarAchAryA uses the word avidyA kalpitam. mAyA, shakti & prakriti part of Brahman is mithyA. Therefore, sAvyavatavam status caused by mithyA mAyA is also vyAvahArikam or mithyA. Because of that mithyA mAyA Brahman becomes Ishvara therefore, according to vedAnta Isvara status is also vyAvahArika satyam or mithyA. Because of that status the creation that comes is also vyAvahArika satyam otherwise called mithyA. And because of that if ther is samsAra sriShTIjanya samsAra or dvait janya samsAra that is also mithyA or vyAvahArika satyam. And then what about the guru-shShya sAdhanAni? that is also mithyA. Liberation as an even is also vyAvahArika satyam or mithyA. Therefore, BrahmaNaH sAvyavatvam, Ishvaratvam, jagatkAraNatvam, etad sarvam vyAvahArikam | pArmArthika drishTaya Brahman is nirvayavam therefore, not jagat kAraNam. JagatkAraNam api nAsti | Isvaratvam api nAsti |
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 07:27:07 +0000

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