Accountability Read James 3:1 . What important point is - TopicsExpress


Accountability Read James 3:1 . What important point is he making here about accountability? Teachers in the church and in Christian schools have an especially heavy responsibility because they shape minds and hearts in ways that will last for years. This effect includes the rippling impact they will have on many others beyond their immediate sphere of influence. The more we know, the more responsible we become for utilizing and imparting that knowledge. At the entrance to the Tyndale House library in Cambridge, England, is a plaque reminding every scholar who enters there: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom ( Prov. 9:10 ) . Man is not the measure of all things; God is, and all true education begins and ends with Him. Unfortunately, as knowledge increases, dependence on God tends to diminish. It is too often practiced and taught, for example, that science functions independently from God. Some teachers of theology, in striving for credibility, also may utilize methods that leave little or no room for faith. As a result, faith can gradually get squeezed out of the minds and hearts of both teachers and students. But as long as educating for eternity, not just for this world, is uppermost for teachers and students alike, learning will be a precious, even inspirational, endeavor. Paul too understood this responsibility for he trained and ordained leaders in the churches he raised up ( Acts 14:23 , compare Titus 1:5 ) . He even gave instructions to Timothy to guard Gods flock from inexperienced and unwise shepherds (see 1 Tim. 1:3-7; 3:2-6; 6:2-5 ; 2 Tim. 2:14-15 ) , warning that some are always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth ( 2 Tim. 3:7 , NKJV) . Parents carry a weighty responsibility in teaching their children, who in turn influence others. All of us, in fact, by the example we set, can have a profound influence on those around us. How important then that we seek Gods wisdom, which He has promised us ( James 1:5 ) , that we might model His ways and exert a godly influence. For we all, for good or for bad, do exert influence over others. Think about those who have influenced you in a positive way. What did they do? How did they impact you? And, most important, how can you do the same for others?
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 03:28:19 +0000

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