Acidity After the meals, take one piece of Clove (Laung) and - TopicsExpress


Acidity After the meals, take one piece of Clove (Laung) and suck on it slowly. This not only gives instantaneous relief but also helps in reducing the onslaught of diseases arising out of acidity. Cloves have direct impact on our digestive process. It helps in building appetite, removes phlegm and also increases the white blood cell count. Another good remedy is the usage of Jaggery (Gudh) after the meals. About 5 to 10 grams of a Jaggery piece taken after the meals helps in eliminating acidity, improves digestion and also helps in the expulsion of worms in small children. Acne & Pimples Extract juice of one lemon and mix with equal quantity of rose water. Apply this mixture on the face and let it stay for about half an hour. Wash the face with fresh water. About 15 days application should provide the cure. Another method is to massage the face with the skin of lemon before washing with lukewarm water. Precautions : Do not try to prick and peel the acne as this can leave permanent marks on the face. Constipation For ordinary constipation, take 10/12 pieces of Raisin (Munnakka), wash and remove the seeds and then boil them with a glass of milk. Once the milk is boiled, eat the raisins and drink the milk. Next day you will find regulation of bowel movements. In case of stubborn constipation, use the above remedy for 3/4 days. Ear Ache and Infection Take two bits of Garlic. Remove the skin. Put them in two spoons of Mustard Oil in a small pan and warm it up on low heat. When the garlic starts turning black (burning) then turn off the heat. Sieve the contents. When the oil becomes lukewarm, then using a cotton stub, put 2 to 4 drops in the aching ear. This not only gives instant relief from the pain, it also helps in getting sound sleep. Any worms in the ear get killed and expelled from the ear. This remedy is helpful in curing oozing ears. High Blood Pressure Mix juice of onion and pure honey in equal quantity. Taken two spoons of this mixture once a day is an effective remedy for high blood pressure. Take for about a week. Upon noticing improvement, take for few more days as needed. Onion juice reduces cholesterol and works as a tonic for nervous system. It cleans blood, helps digestive system, cures insomnia and regulates the heart action. Honey soothes the nerves and is also helpful in lowering the high blood pressure. Other helpful remedies for High Blood Pressure: Keep clean potable water in a copper urn overnight. Drink a glass early morning. Take four leaves of Basil and two leaves of Neem (Margosa) and grind them with four spoons of water. Take this ground mixture empty stomach with a glass of water. Eat empty stomach one Papita (Papaya) everyday for one month. Do not take anything after this for at least two hours.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 04:42:02 +0000

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