Acme CrossFit - CrossFit crossfit816/pearl-harbor View - TopicsExpress


Acme CrossFit - CrossFit crossfit816/pearl-harbor View Public Whiteboard: Warm-up Group Dynamic Warmup Metcon Pearl Harbor (Time) Complete in ANY Order: 12 Tire Flips (Moving debris) 7 Sandbag Cleans and 50ft Sprint 80/60# (Moving large rounds of ammo) 19 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (Mimic pulling yourself out of the water) 41 Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53# (Tossing ammo to the man above you ) 1 Body Weight Barbell Carry 100 ft (Mimic moving a fallen comrade to safety) 1 500m Row (Rowing to shore) Every 2 minutes complete 10 alternating arm tight arch (to mimic swimming) and then resume whatever movement they were on. (Mimics Japans constant air raids and soldiers being knocked off the ships into the water) Feel free to wear a weight vest if you have it. Pearl Harbor Facts: 2,388 Americans died 1,178 Americans Wounded 21 American Ships were sunk or damaged 323 American Planes were destroyed 1,177 Americans served on the USS Arizona, only 333 lived Mobility T-spine smash.. moving arms up and down (like making angel wings) Roll out shoulders with LAX ball Use foam rollers on anything tight
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 04:01:59 +0000

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