Act For America Message 10/02/13 WOW!! What a response! You’re - TopicsExpress


Act For America Message 10/02/13 WOW!! What a response! You’re sending CAIR a powerful message! Dear Supporter, Take that, CAIR. Last week we emailed you about how Hamas-linked CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) had released its latest “Islamophobia” report. Not surprisingly, ACT! for America was highlighted in the “report” – which we wear as a badge of honor! We featured a September 20th New York Daily News article, in which one of the authors of the report, Corey Saylor, explained why CAIR put out the report: Saylor said that by naming names, CAIR hoped that financial support for such organizations, as well as the views they espouse, would diminish. CAIR is a bully, and the best way to stop a bully is to stand up to the bully. For instance, its Washington affiliate tried to bully a public school teacher. We stood up to CAIR, and CAIR backed down. This past summer, CAIR-Minnesota tried to get one of our public events cancelled. The event was scheduled to be held at a rented auditorium in a public school, and CAIR-Minnesota tried to bully the school district into canceling the event. The school superintendent didn’t back down, and neither did we. CAIR-Minnesota failed. In fact, we had more people show up at the event than expected thanks to the publicity! And just recently CAIR put out its propaganda report in hopes that it would bully ACT! for America and bully our supporters. At the conclusion of our Fall Pledge Drive we’re looking forward to sending a letter to Nihad Awad, CAIR’s Executive Director. What we want to say to him is this: Thank you, Mr. Awad, for helping ACT! for America grow. Your propaganda “report” motivated our members and supporters so much that we had the most successful Fall Pledge Drive ever! So thank you for doing your part in helping ACT! for America continue its mission of fighting you, the broader Muslim Brotherhood, and radical Islam in general. You aren’t stopping us or even slowing us down. You might as well face it – your intimidation tactics just won’t work with us. Wouldn’t you just love to see us send this letter to Nihad Awad??? Friends, by fighting CAIR and its allies we are fighting those who want nothing less than to turn America into an Islamist sharia state. Every time we force CAIR to back down and every time we foil one of CAIR’s tactics, we weaken it. If we don’t let up or give up in this fight, we will prevail.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 22:18:59 +0000

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