Act III Development Allegro This is what I want to tell you - TopicsExpress


Act III Development Allegro This is what I want to tell you Sweet Tribe, my Last Narrative, I was indeed Healed a little over a month ago. I did finally achieve that first level of true Enlightenment. There are no words in the Christian Path that describe this State accurately. The life of Theresa of Avilia, her record of her struggles of staying With God, the tempest of her physical body, her Ego and her development and teaching of “mental practices”, in agency- yogic prayer; Her life would be the words. The words and teachings of The Christian Gnostic Journey and Practice have been systematically destroyed, muted and coopted, or occluded. Sacred writings, diaries, letters and texts scooped up and hidden in private libraries and universities, perverted or deemed heresies nearly to the point of extinction. Whole “gospels” and their teachings were wiped from the Christian Collective Intelligence as heretical, such as the Book or Thomas and The Book of Judas; Books that sing with the visceral ecstasy of Rumi, Kabir, Mirabai. Words that describe the ecstatic Journey to God in terms visceral and holy, the only way to describe birth so of course they point the way to God. These teachings and Gospels give descriptions of the EMBODIED Union of God, which is indeed faceted for each individual, though completely embedded in the Christian Collective Knowledge or Spirit. Where this Knowledge is Valued as essential to the wholeness of Christian Spiritual Practice, you will find women. We see it bursting through in the isolation of the nunnery with Hildegarde of Bingen, St. Theresa of Avila in their direct ecstasy, yet wearily sanctioned by the Church. Those Saintly Communions can be framed in the authoritarian narrative of “This experience is only possible to them because they were isolated in the church”. Even in Male Saints, the Spiritual Journey in the world of Form; Life, Time, Relationships was still framed by “”Monastic” time. St. Augustine was unable to appreciate his wild years of knowing the world of Form at the exclusion of Knowledge, and theology scholars today still seem to dismiss the lessons of his Consumptive youth and that he would not be “saint” Augustine without them. In Eastern Practice, seekers would often embarked on a true physical journey of wandering and finding Divine Communion not just under a Bodhi Tree, but as a mendicant, amongst all strata, gender, and age of Beings. The Church has little value for this narrative, which seems odd considering that the other part of the Christian Practice is so beautifully preserved in the Canonical Gospels- The radical communitarian living of Jesus and the early church. Gnostic Communities in the Middle Ages, such at the Bogmills of the Balkans and Cathars of Southern France, were European Christian spiritual collectives that preserved, practiced and taught Christian Mystical Practice which all other Spiritual paths including Judaism and Islam persevered under radically Intensifying persecution until they were wiped out by the mid 1300’s and their legacy smeared as heretical and dangerous. The Middle Ages with it’s Catholic Crusades, Battles between Rome and Constantinople, the near immediate division of Islam into Shi’a and Sunni so soon after it’s Emanation, the yo-yoing love hate relationship with Christians and Jewish over the need of Conquering Christians who persecuted and slaughtered the Jewish Community but needed it’s money-lenders to finance their consumption of war. It is as if to Me I my Healed Awareness, I finally see the Darkness of the European Dark Ages tainting all the Paths of the People of the Book- a cloud of Collective Ego and Control which started a hunt to destroy the Spirit, the Gnosis, out of the Spiritual Paths of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Something infected them all and took root like a virus- something that feeds off of perversion of the World of Form as an Expression of the Divine’s Magnanimous Love. I find it is easiest to use the Metaphor of Virus for discussing this Darkness without getting off track into spirituality or atheistic quandary. This Darkness is a Virus that distorts thoughts, thinking, and brain constructs. It causes the brain to make consumption or predatory thoughts. It does this by causing the EgoMind to make thoughts that the Form, the thing, the control, the power, the EgoMind IS the God. This has been a problem for a long time for Us people of the Book and the culture and societies we have founded on our Religious Philosophies, including all of Secular Western Culture now. It’s the worship of Baal problem Moses has to deal with. Remember, the Israelites didn’t stop worshiping One, they just wanted a Golden Calf too. The Priesthood had become so ridiculously corrupt Moses has to dictate elaborate Laws to try to keep the Priests on track. And We are Here at the End of an Age at the End of an Epoch with the Same Problem- we are Worshiping Idols, and the Leaders of Orthodox Paths and their “Religions” are terribly terribly sick this round. And their reach is not just limited to a region, where they still batter peoples lives daily, but Globally. Their Dominion is staggering- Leaders who worship Baal so to speak, because they worship Form things, they prefer to favor and surround themselves with things that are rare luxurious. Stuff, lots and lots of stuff. And Control to hoard and keep safe that Stuff. Do we not surround ourselves with whatever we hold as “God” in our Life? Nature, relationships, family, creativity, laughter and God Time if we Authentically are in relationship with God? We Know the things of form are all God and all Form is of value to facilitate our Knowing God. It’s the Healthy sensuality of Mary pouring expensive oil onto Jesus’ feet, and wiping them with her hair. What better use of the Rare in Form than to exalt God. Mary was showing that Jesus was more Exalted than a Form Thing when others did not, and he recognized this in her. If we have fallen in the worship of Things, of Baal; nature, relationships, family, creativity, laughter and God Time, all these things that are Celebrations and Practices of Living with God, become perverted in service to the Worship of Things- Nature becomes something to exploit for it’s treasures, relationships become means of exerting power, control and Agency to acquire Stuff. Family becomes a way to keep Stuff and gain more stuff through marriages and directing future generations in how to protect the Stuff. Holidays become about Stuff, God Time becomes about asking God for Stuff. But Creativity, that’s the most primal and powerful Spring; and it’s poisoned nearly to it’s source. it’s generative Power the most Profound Means to Adore the Divine, turned into soulless making and coercing of Form for Consumption. This virus reduces Creativity to Make.The.Idol, rather than celebrated as a daily Practice of Worship. It is the Meaning of “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” Will you stare and lust after the cake thinking the Truth is in the frosting, the berries you have placed, the pedestal stand displaying it? Will you tell your family they can’t have it after dinner? Of course not! You eat that cake with joy with others at a table. Or you sneak a piece before bedtime with a glass of milk and lick the plate like you were a child again. When you partake of the Nature of the Form, it delights the Body AND delights our Being if we are mindful of the creativity and relationships that created the form delighting us, be it a Tree or a cake, and take pleasure in the Creativity, the Divine Agency of the Form. However, we can also be warped by this Baal Virus into Worshiping the Actions that create the Form or facilitate the experience of Delighting in the Divine. Consider drug and food addictions. Addictive behavior, most insidiously workaholic perversion, the Perversion of the EgoForm believing it has Dominion over the means of Form Constructs they have acquired, built or engineered. The addictive behavior of workaholism is a compulsion to Make The Idol. When the Kings and Priests of State and Religion become infected with this Virus of Baal, in order to surround themselves with the Rare of Form they enslave those who Worship Work sweetly, as managers by turning them into consumers themselves. They do this playing on their weakness by distorting the Memes of Religious Life, which was the unifying social thread of the Enforcement of the Beliefs of Post Roman Empire States of Western Europe. The response of the Enlightenment and Lutheranism were created to deepen the consume virus with evolving memes, not shake the virus. Memes: The tangible Form products of Intellect or Creativity. Religion in how it shapes it’s adherents thinking, it’s entertainments of earthy Passion Plays and traveling singers and priests. The Forms of Cathedrals, of Ritual, Philosophical thought, Astronomy, Medicine. Now particle physics, movies, and, The Culture of the Internet. For those who resisted the Memes of the Baal Virus in the chaos of Middle Age’s Western Europe, The Church’s shaping and enforcement of local community Memes/beliefs, were generally sufficient enough to keep those who either intentionally sought to, or had direct revelation of Truth via an Ecstatic Experience with the divine, either marginalized in the community or safely in Monastic Walls. In the Early Western Dark Ages, nine years before the Shi’s Sunni split, the Islamic Caliphate in 650, created a News Service to connect the managers of a kingdom that spread from the Indus River to Spain. The Baal Virus in Islam early, hard at work as it was in Christian Europe, heralding its arrival that would divide Islam. Not but a few decades ago ago really, if a Darkness were to sweep the world, it would travel slowly. At the speed it took a Western Writer or Photographer to make their way to the scene of the burgeoning Darkness, write or develop photos, then send a teletype or express mail photos to a distant Bureau in the middle of the night. Then wait for editors and typesetters, delivery trucks and paperboys. Or once a month, a glossy magazine might arrive with an in-depth story on trying to explain such a matter. It is no surprise that we keep falling back to sleep. We know that the Darkness I’ve been describing grow seems as consuming as the Nothingness in the “Never Ending Story”. And it is. The Divine is Harmonious beyond Form and metrics such as Time. Our Armor and Gift is having the Divine honor of being Embodied during the end Age of the end of an Epoch. We are here in Form as Players, Witness, Healers, Historians, Protectors, Artists, Mothers, Fathers, Artists, Mystics, Prophets, and Saints. This is not the Rapture, or the End of the World. It’s just simply, the end of This Age at the End of An Epoch. Of course it feels big, it is, Good and Evil are one the field. The practice of Gnosis in the Christian Path was sufficiently exterminated from Official Church Cannon, Doctrine, And Practice. The Knowledge (as we can humbly know it and use words to express it Embodied as we are) of the nature of Grace and Ecstatic Union, it’s communication to the Whole of the Church, Tightly controlled. Although Ireneaus set the Cannon of the New Testament around 350, and the Council of Florence adopted in 1422, it wasn’t until the Council of Trent in 1546 that finally the New Testament was Canonized- i.e. set in stone. The People of the Book have a bad MetaMeme virus that has infected their systems of governance, community, Spiritual Knowledge, and now that Baal virus that worships Form is fighting for Domination of the Freely Created HiveMind of the Global Collective. It is a tool more powerful than a Caliphate Wide News Service, or the Roman Canonization of Scripture. It is on par technologically and how it will shift Global Culture for ill or for good with the advent OF Religion, not just A Religion. The Power of the HiveMind Collective of the Internet will be used for the bitter enslavement of not just Humans’ Bodies, but Intelligences as well. Or, It will survive and evolve into a stable and evolving HiveMind inoculated to this Baal virus of Form and Control, A Reality Form we let serve us in Gnosis, Love, and communitarian values. And most importantly build into the Awareness of the HiveMind as Form, that it is not the One, but that it is meant to Serve One, and it’s value, Love, not the other way around. We have nearly lost the collective Knowing of the archetype Healer, rooted in Grace through Medicine because it has been so degraded by the fundamentalism of Western “Enlightenment” Science. This is just one example of the corrosion this Virus of Baal wrecks on the development of Systems Form, which The Internet encompasses as a MetaForm Meme generator, it has the capacity to communicate Form rules, laws and structures like a book. But whereas the Internet is a RealTime Reality, those Memes of MSM, television, magazines and news outlets, their narrative falls apart under the dynamic of RealTime influence by The uncolonized and Resisting HiveMind of The Internet. I have always said “This” was a war for the Internet. The First Collective MindHive Created, but not Emmanated, from free will and Love; this is the battle for THAT. We can not let those with this Virus of Baal unable to see to see the Divine world of non-form, of Wave to Heisenberg’s Particle, which in it’s blindness Worships Forms and builds Police States, we can not let that loose on the internet. This Baal Virus infecting a Collective Intelligence HiveMind MetaMeme will wreck The Internet in a far greater capacity than Stutnex. It will wreck us. The Consume Virus, if it takes hold of The Internet would cause colony collapse of the Anarchist collective MindHive and it’s Awareness that it exists to Create and Not Consume. It would be a tundra of sock puppets, Amazon shoppers, Sony gaming, Surveillance cookies and time waste games on facebook nothing more- Bread and Circuses plus some banking too, just like the Company Store. But because of the intense visual sensory engagement of The Internet, Internet delivered propaganda sticks a lot faster than just a CNN, traditional magazine advertisement, or memorized prayer and Ritual.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:08:22 +0000

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